Well, how boring would it be if every single critic agreed on every single "masterpiece" there is? Personally I believe Kiarostami DOES make films only for film festivals, but that's just an opinion. Why do I think it is so? Because his films feel more like experiments than actual works of art, which sadly is the case of a lot of modern artists. Roger Ebert is a professional critic, and even though I knw he's not the best, he surely is not ignorant about cinema.
Let me place a part of Ebert's comment on "Ten" here:
"The shame is that more accessible Iranian directors are being neglected in the overpraise of Kiarostami. Brian Bennett, who runs the Bangkok Film Festival, told me of attending a Tehran Film Festival with a fair number of Western critics and festival directors. "The moment a film seemed to be about characters or plot," he said, "they all got up and raced out of the room. They had it fixed in their minds that the Iranian cinema consisted of minimalist exercises in style, and didn't want to see narrative films." Since storytelling is how most films work and always have, it is a shame that Iranian stories are being shut out of Western screenings because of a cabal of dilettantes".
I personally believe Kiarostami IS based on style exercises and nothing more. Stillborn art. Yet it is MY opinion, other people are free to believe what they want. Ebert isn't stupid just because he doesn't like a "great" director. (Maybe time will prove he IS great, who knows...If he keeps making the same film over and over, I highly doubt it)