MovieChat Forums > Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003) Discussion > So For 23 Years You Charge People $5 to ...

So For 23 Years You Charge People $5 to See a Demon Hanging In Your Barn

...and in all that time word doesn't spread to the point where you have authorities investigating, leading to the government locking the situation down and taking the creeper away for their own ownership and agenda?

Not even a visit from Mulder & Scully?!

Sounds like the premise to a better sequel.


I guess people just didn't believe the story, not sure though.


You know how many side show attractions are around like that?

Granted a better question is why the police department that the Creeper attacked didnt force him to burn the remains as I'm sure they heard about it but just wanted to forget.


Better question, if the ending takes place 23 years after 2001 making it 2024 at least, y do the kids pull up in what must be a 50 year old truck in pristine condition, n y was that kid shirtless. This movie was salva letting his fetishes out


It's not taking place 23 years after 2001. It's taking place a few days away of the first movie, at the beginning of the movie you can clearly hear a news reportage on the radio in the bus, news about a boy that went missing a few days ago, and about the basement in that church, with 300 dead bodies in it. Also are you talking about the boy who lost his head? As you can see, the Creeper covered his entire body with his wings, so probably when he retracted them ripping the head off with the spikes at the end of his wings, the clothes got stuck too.


no he's talking about at the very end of the movie {scene} it was 24 years later.
didn't you notice that the son was alot older and so was his dad, he was older & grey.
The father was in the barn 23 years years later waiting for the Creeper to wake up to put him back to sleep again for another 23 year.
and so and so on, this could be a whole family tradition for keeping the Creeper out of circulation.



yet nicki aycox was exactly the same as in high school?

spectre can

suck it.
