The Locals

Why do they all act like they don't know what the hell is going on? I get it's multiple counties, but these are all small towns sharing one highway and word spreads quickly.

The creeper attacked an entire police station with plenty of surviving officers. With the second film taking place days after the original, how are there not precautions being taken? Why isn't the highway closed in that section? Upgraded law enforcement ready to act?

The couple in RV at the beginning of the first film clearly know what's going on because they swerve off the road fast to avoid the Creeper's truck.

Either way, with all the missing person bulletins and the strange happenings in general, how does something like this not become known to the general public?


Well, it is a crappt movie. The sort of plot nonsense and stupid story is a common thing among this sort of low grade movie because people who are making it probably know they're making crap and they just don't even try to pay attention to the important details.
