MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > She turns straight?

She turns straight?

I haven't seen this movie yet. I was thinking about seeing it just to find out if the almost unanimous consensus of this movie being legendarily, jaw-droppingly, awful is warranted or not. But I heard something about this movie that I want to know is true or not and would probably answer the question for me immediately without having to see it. I heard J Lo's character in this movie is a lesbian, but by the end of the movie she becomes straight and falls for Ben Affleck's character?? Is this true? If it is then wouldn't it fall under the category of fantasy movie?


Welllllllllll...she KINDA turns str8. I'd say she becomes bi. It doesn't matter though--this movie is a real train wreck. EVERYTHING is wrong with it. The bit about a lesbian turning str8 after sleeping with Affleck is the least of its problems. That would offend me if it were a good movie...but this isn't.


Actually by the end of the movie, she turns him into a lesbian!

She emasculates him. I think that that's why this movie is hated so much.

Too much, too soon, too long, too strong, too many,
to fix.


No--I disagree. I think the movie is hated so much cause it's badly written, directed and acted. And you can't turn a man into a lesbian.



LOL Ben Affleck pregnant. I'd pay to see that:)



I agree. And you are the first person on this board I've seen mention it.

The whole movie is very emasculating for a man to watch. It's the elephant in the room that everyone always seems to forget to mention.

I watched this movie a few days ago trying to realise why it's so hated. I've never liked it but I've never hated it either. Didn't care much either way.

Forgetting who the actors are... and whether they are dating each other or not.. I don't think it's horrible. I think it's average. 5/10. Some of the acting is bad, but some of the acting is bad in alot of movies. You let it slide if you are enjoying yourself. The reason why people don't enjoy themselves, and the reason it gets 2/10 so often I'd imagine is because of the basic story is emasculating. No other word to describe it. And it's still a mans world isn't it. At least 50% of it anyway.

Affleck's character sheds all his manly charcteristics and testosterone and his personality/emotions become that of a woman. Lopez is man enough for the both of them, or so she thinks. Lopez is always in control. Affleck is able to give her what her lesbian partners give her. It's not about straight or gay, like Afflecks's mother said, life isn't black and white like that.

The average guy pictures lesbians as a good thing, and wants to watch. Show him this movie and he'll likely want to vomit. Estrogen overload. I bet by the end of filming Affleck's nipples were starting to get puffy!


Wow Jon, lot's of wrong with that post. This movie plain and simple continues to make the gay community especially gay women look bad. LOT'S of homosexuals hated this movie because obviously a gay person having sex with someone of the opposite gender/sex would NEVER happen in real life. It's important to have positive representations of marginalized groups in the media, but this film; including many other films are continuing to make it worse.

There is nothing wrong with having a stereotypical "womanly personality". Or having "estrogen overload". Shame that there is still so much femmephobia in this world.

"And it's still a mans world isn't it."

"Affleck's character sheds all his manly charcteristics and testosterone and his personality/emotions become that of a woman. Lopez is man enough for the both of them, or so she thinks. Lopez is always in control. Affleck is able to give her what her lesbian partners give her. It's not about straight or gay, like Afflecks's mother said, life isn't black and white like that."

Well the main problem with that is that, obviously in real life, a man would NOT be able to give a gay woman what they need since of course, they are only attracted to women, and only want to be with a woman, only desire women, only satisfied with a woman, etc.. etc.. Another reason this movie made no sense. That would be like a "straight" guy, who all of a sudden finds another man attractive and starts sleeping with them. Or a gay guy who starts to desire another woman. Can you actually imagine that happening? So for Affleck to "give her what her lesbian partners give her" is pretty ridiculous. Since the whole point of being a homosexual is that a person of the opposite sex, obviously CAN'T give a gay person what they want. Since the gay person would have no desire for that person anyway. And straight/bi/other queer men might have fantasies about watching lesbians, but in real life obviously lesbians don't want to be watched, especially by men. They are just minding their own business. For some reason, some people are unwilling to believe that fact that gays and lesbians are no different from each-other. After all lesbian means; homosexual female.

And when did Affleck's mother say that?


"obviously a gay person having sex with someone of the opposite gender/sex would NEVER happen in real life."

except for all the times it does happen, which is a lot more commonly than people admit.

"gay" is a label for some people's sexuality, and sometimes that sexuality moves so a person who IDs as gay ends up falling for an opposite sex person, same as some "straight" people who fall for a same sex partner. insisting something "never" happens is not realistic about sexuality becuz it's too complex and too tied in personal connections and emotions to be absolute.

and then there's the "i want sex so I'll settle for a person who isn't in my usual orientation" people, which happens with both gay and straight people. and of course, some people who are bisexual will ID as gay or straight depending on which way they lean more, bc frankly both gays and straights crap all over them so it's just easier to use those labels.

in conclusion, most people are bisexual to at least a small degree, probably most to a larger one, but our society wants everybody in the binary. things AREN'T black and white.


No gldrgidr-1. A man obviously cannot be a lesbian. Lesbian means, "gay/homosexual women". He is neither a woman nor a homosexual woman. And this movie is bad since it makes gay people, especially gay women look bad. It's pathetic.



Well preppy, that's where the problem lies anyway. You can't "turn" your sexual orientation into something else. Whatever you are, it's what you are born with. You can't change who you are. Which is of course why this movie is BAD. It makes homosexuality look bad.

"The bit about a lesbian turning str8 after sleeping with Affleck is the least of its problems."

But it actually is a big problem, because the gay community is still a group that is discriminated against, and we need more positive representations of it. But this movie continues to perpetuate the myth that homosexuality is a "choice" or some kind of "alternative lifestyle" when it's obviously not. Yes the movie is really bad anyway, but that part of the plot is just a bad.


First of all I'm gay so I'm well are u can't turn str8. Sure it's VERY offensive to show that in a movie but the movie has MUCH bigger problems than that. I'm talking about the movie alone. The acting is terrible, it's too long, it has non-stop profanity and u hate every single character. Also the plot is so stupid it's hard to take anything seriously. Anyways the film has a HUGE bomb, everyone hated it and it's been forgotten. Considering we now have positive examples of gay male couples on TV, afternoon soap operas and even comic books I think we're doing pretty good:)


Yeah Krusty, a total fantasy film. And a complete insult to the gay community.
