The movie is pretty bad anyway, but especially for the gay community...
Right? I mean, despite the bad acting, writing, directing and everything else. Isn't this film especially bad because it continues to perpetuate the ridiculous myth that homosexual is a "choice" or a "lifestyle". It's especially insulting for gay females. I'm not surprised that MANY lesbians hated this film for that specific reason. It continues to make gay people look bad. The movie may not be taken seriously despite that part of the story, but no matter what, the gay community obviously deserves to have positive representations of them in any form of media. But this was just bad.
So what exactly was Martin Brest thinking? What was the point of having J-Lo's character start out as "gay" when she really wasn't. What was Brest trying to say? That homosexuality is a joke? That being gay is just a "phase" and gay people are just waiting for the "right person" of the opposite sex to just come along? What was the whole point of using that insulting troupe? Pardon the sarcasm, but does Brest even know what a lesbian is? Is he aware that lesbian means "homosexual female"? It's just all around bad for an already marginalized group that is still discriminated against. It's just overall weird that some people are unwilling to accept the fact that gays and lesbians are no different from each-other.