It's not even bad

I just watched this movie expecting it to be terrible from the review but I actually liked it. Sure any movie with Jennifer Lopez is terrible because she's a terrible actor but Ben Affleck and Justin Bartha did a good job. I laughed plenty of times in this movie and it should not be rated so low, i've seen movies way worse rated a 5 or 6.


I dunno, my friend. I like Ben Affleck as an actor but this film was a real stinker. Horrible screenplay to start with. I'd say miscast but the material was such crap I can't think of anyone who could have salvaged it. Just an idiotic story that somehow convinced some people to pay to produce it. Merde alor!


You are not alone, it wasn't THAT bad like they made it seem. I remember seeing it a while ago when it came out with my wife (girlfriend at time) and we both didn't think it was horrible.

Ben Afflecks attempt at NYC accent was the only thing I remember I could not stand, but I have seen far worse.


Yea I no rite. Im watching it rite now on fm & its not that nad @ all. Idk y its ratings are so low.
