although i am not into musicals...I think ''chicago'' would be much better with different actors. Only Catherine Zeta-Jones was good enough. Gere seemed a bit silly during song scenes, Queen Latifah looks way too kind to play a role like this and last but not least.... Renée Zellweger!!!OMG. I loved her in bridget jones diary or Cold mountain..but here???I found her appalling...with that muscular body and invisible breasts..pretendind to be sexy....Noo!
Of course, it's all subjective, but I definitely disagree on all counts.
Richard Gere was splendid; his performance was mesmerizing.
Queen Latifa was delightful! She delivered some of the funniest bits of the whole movie.
Mama: What are you gonna tell the jury? Roxie: I was gonna tell them the truth. Mama: That's a one way ticket to the death house. Roxie: Holy mother of God. Mama: Relax. I mean, in this town, murder is a formal entertainment. Besides, in 47 years Cooke County never hangs a woman yet. So even it's 47 and 1, they won't hang you. Roxie: Jesus Mary Joseph. Mama: you're talkin' to the wrong people
While I agree that Rene's muscular physique was a bit distracting and certainly didn't fit with the times. She still did a fabulous job in the role.
Catherine Zeta Jones actually fell a little flat for me. For the most part, she was great. But, she seemed to be trying to hard.
Nonetheless, I loved it. Watched it again last night. So good.
Catherine Zeta Jones actually fell a little flat for me. For the most part, she was great. But, she seemed to be trying to hard.
That's it. Something has always been just a little off in performance to me. And you nailed it....trying too hard. All of her songs were that way. She was quite natural in the acting, but it did look like this was something she had waited to do all her life and was going to get the most out of it.
I agree that Zellweger (sp?) was not the ideal choice for this. I have liked her in other films but that body and face was too much to look at here. Maybe if she had gained a little weight or something I could've believed that Fred would have said "anything to get a piece of that." As she was though, with that mannish body, hit-in-the-face-with-a-frying-pan look and mosquito-bitten rack? Especially for that day and age...nope.
I would have to agree on Renee as Roxie, it is a part that requires a very strong dancer, and that Renee is not. But she CAN sing and act, she obviously gave it her all, kudos to her for that...
I agree about her singing. I had no issue with that aspect.
I just felt like Zeta-Jones was the one of the two who succeeded on all fronts and she's gorgeous. Zellweger...not so much. I can see she worked hard but it just wasn't there.
Renee is the epitomy of cute. She's managed to build herself a career around being pretty and cute, and her skills as an actress; although IMHO she plays to type and subsequently seems to rehash the same character.
I personally think that she was miscast in the role and was thoroughly shown up by Catherine (admittedly a trained and experienced dancer) in every aspect.
I think Renee gave it her all, and her dedication and perseverance in preparing for the role prior to filming is admirable, but for me it just doesn't work and I can't buy her as a cunning vamp femme fatale
I suspect that she was meant to be precisely cute in this role. Cute enough to look like a defenseless little lamb in front of Zeta Jones and the cameras, to win the heart of the public and to make us feel awkward when she showed her various streaks of meanness. I think that her aloof cuteness was supposed to contrast with Zeta Jone's vamp femme fatale.
there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder
It's on right now. You're so right about Rene Zellwegger. Although, I'm going to go a step further and question her entire career. She may be one of the worst (successful) actresses I've ever seen. She's absolutely horrendous in everything she's in.
No, I didn't say that at all. I simply said that in my opinion she always is simply Renee Zellweger, regardless of the role or character I can never invest in her characterisation or forget that I am watching Renee Zellweger playing a part, rather than being able to suspend my disbelief. IN MY OPINION. That's not to say I don't think she is a skilled actress.
However in answer to your question, yes I do see much of Roxie Hart in Bridget Jones and vice versa, probably because of what I said above. Again, IMO.
Unfortunately IMO the use of "Roy Scheider" kills your argument off completely.
I was critiquing on the Actresses and not the Actors. Hence why I mentioned Palmer and Reinking. I should have been more specific. Richard Gere's dancing was passible, and I don't see as detracting. However, Zellwegger and Jones and numerous major dancing sequences and their good but not spectacular dancing was a disappointment.
This is a Musical with singing and dancing, and great dancing was critical to a fully polished film. I don't recall Scheider's dance scenes, but the opening audition scene was priceless.
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I can understand the divide in opinions between Zeta - Jones and Zellwegger. Zeta - Jones seemed more compatible into Chicago in terms of musical performances, nevertheless Zellwegger did well in her role.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".
Back to the OP - I agree that I didn't like some of the actors in the roles. Catherine Zeta Jones nailed it. But Gere looked he was trying too hard - I constantly saw him as Richard Gere "acting" rather than being the character.
Rene Zellweger was woefully miscast. She's cute but she didn't have the hard edge Roxy needed and she was instantly forgettable in the role. And what was Mia doing as one of the murderesses - she was terrible and looked out of place.