Anyone else notice that they seem to be hiding Roseanne?
I saw the trailer at the theater and thought, Oh God I don't think I can take Roseanne's grating voice for the whole movie. But everywhere else that I saw things about the movie - tv ads (and I thought the poster) - Judi Dench is listed prominently but Roseanne is not.
Are they JLo-ing her? Maybe adult feedback from early showings?
One TV trailer made me think I was mistaken about the voices, because Roseanne was "featured" in the spot, but then when they flashed the cast list up at the end, it only had Judi Dench and Cuba and I thought my hearing was going...
Maybe I am too sensitive to voices, but I could barely make it through Ellen in Nemo (the Pixar folks are to be applauded for capturing the distilled essence of her annoyingness and animating it).
I just checked - Roseanne and Jennifer Tilly, I think my head would explode...