Slim's purpose?

What was the villain's, Slim, purpose for buying all that land? i understand the yodeling to hypnotize cows/ cattles, sell them for money. But why buy the land at auctions?

"...when Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."




He wasn't well respected when he worked at some ranches (he mentions this in the movie).

So he decided to buy out their land and leave them bankrupt and homeless.


Ooooh. ok. ; ) gotcha!

"...when Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."


He was sort of the consummate stereotyped villain that was in the B westerns of the 30's and 40's, the type that showed up in the Johnny Mack Brown and Lash LaRue features that was out to own the town as well as having his little cattle rustling enterprise on the side.


sorry. never really seen the B westerns of the 30s and 40s. im sort of familar with them.

"...when Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."


That is one of the aspects of this movie I really enjoyed, allusions to old movies. Possibly the producers felt that this movie would attract some old-timers like myself who still have an affection for Walt's original classics.


Exactly. Great to see someone out there who actually knows what the filmmakers were doing. For one thing: a movie critic felt the animation was flat. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FLAT. it's supposed to have the feel from the "sleeping beauty" backgrounds. i felt they achieved that wonderfully. Even though this was an okay film, i still feel the last 1/3 of the film is much better than the first 2/3 of it.

"...when Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."


You're right there, the last 1/3 was better. One thing I missed is that it did not quite achieve the sad scene or the horrific scene that Walt Disney himself put into almost all of his early movies. For instance, you had Bambi's mother killed, Snow White in the glass coffin, Pinocchio's limp apparantly lifeless body on the beach. By contrast, you had the wicked stepmother's offering the apple, the dwarfs' revenge on her, Monstro the whale, the forest fire scene in Bambi. Walt had a purpose. He felt the kids should experience sadness and also experience fear during the movie experience. There were scenes in this that touched upon sadness and also suspense, but didn't really achieve either.


I agree.

"...when Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."
