The Next Disney....

Hey peeps : - )

Being a massive fan of (most) of "The House Of Mouse's" work I think that after the poor box office reciepts of Brother Bear, Home on the Range and even Lilo and Stitch, I think Disney should turn their creative hands to something a little different.

My idea for Disney (listen up Disney executives) is for their next animated classic to be the hit stage show "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". This is definately an idea that could well work it has all the right elements to make a successfull Disney movie (villains, heroes, a prince, tons of toe tapping musical numbers, and even some sheep). If done right this could bring back Disney from its murky grave and back on top - Back to the glory days of Aladdin, Little Mermiad, Beauty and Beast and not the bottom of the barrel cack that's floating around. So pick up those pens Disney and get cracking!

Anybody agree with me here?



NO! I start a serious debate about Disney's downfall and there's always some PRAT who insists on smart little school boy comments.

I personally think that Joseph is fresh for a new audience and has all the core ingredients and im not bigging up Lyodd Webber as I think 'Cats' is probably taking things a step to far!

So unless u got something nice to say dont say nothing AT ALL!



And Joseph of course would be a natural choice as Tim Rice (co writer) is already a Disney co-ort having input on Lion King amongst others.


I really don't think remakes of stage shows are Disney's thing. Making a stage show FROM a film is one thing, but reworking something that millions have already seen (even if it's a good show on stage) just wouldn't appeal to a wide enough audience or the company itself. Disney just doesn't do animated remakes of films or stage shows. They do books or fairy tales or even original stories, but can you even imagine the idea of Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables or Ragtime animated?

It sounds good in theory, but I don't think it'll fly. Especially since Disney has already announced that they closed their 2D studios after the release of Home on the Range.


Sorry guys, I hate to break it to you but Dreamworks already made a Joseph pretty recently. It had the voices of Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamill, Dan "Homer Simpson" Castellaneta and Ben Affleck - check it out at I doubt Disney would get rights to it so soon after Dreamworks just used it. And FYI, it was quite good, but not great.



Thanks for all the input so far... There have been some very intelligent responses...


Dreamworks' "Joseph" was NOT "Joseph and the Amazing Tecnicolor(r) Dreamcoat", it was a poor re-working of a long out of copyright bible story.

When I was a kid (some 30 odd years ago) Joseph (the musical) was on the school curriculum and EVERY kid had a chance to be narrator, Joseph, Potipher, Pharoah or even (if he wasn't much good) one of the brothers! This is why Joseph (the musical) is so damn popular these days - it's the 40-somethings who go to the theatre and introduce THEIR kids to it!

..But, Joseph (the musical) is NOT done in schools anymore so a whole new generation of 8 - 10 year olds are ripe to receive it - and if it is not given to them they will miss out on it!

No! Disney is the IDEAL medium to re-introduce Joseph (with the songs we all know and can hum along to) to this generation!

Thank you!

This is me at my most massochistic!
