Is this worth seeing?

I didn't go see this in the theaters because in the commercials the animation was very cheaply done and it looked like disney slapped together just anything in order to get an animated movie out this year. But I liked the Emperor's New Groove even though it had bad animation. Is it worth seeing?

The sun will rise!


I'd say go rent it for as cheap as possible and see for yourself, but in my opinion it was a lot of fun. There's no big moral here or any deep events, just 3 cows, a horse, and some friends saving their farm from a yodeling psycho (that old story). I think it's getting too much unfair criticism. I thought it was a pleasant surprise. There's a looney tunish quality to the humor which really worked. It's more like Emperors New Groove than say Brother Bear if you know what I mean. I'm glad I don't believe everything I read because I've read several reviews bashing this which I totally don't get. It was just a fun movie that's all. Try it out.

- "There's such a fine line between stupid and clever."


Hi there,

It's okay, I wouldn't call it one of Disney's finest animation moments. But there are some funny parts. It wouldn't hurt to rent it, atleast it's cheaper than seeing it in the theater and not liking it. ;)
