MovieChat Forums > Home on the Range (2004) Discussion > 1/10 - turgid reeking bore

1/10 - turgid reeking bore

If this is the 'state of the art' in storytelling and writing, the state has fallen into the pit privy.

Usually, I enjoy modern animation, and can tolerate the lame cultural references. But this "Wedgiestern" was a pulled panty too far.
{A WESTERN horse dreaming he's a martial artist? Oh my ...}

Cultureless boobs with narry a creative drop within them did a rip roaring rip off of every cliche, overworn joke, and politically correct slam possible.

Disney, how far you have fallen.


OP ranking: 1/10 - turgid reeking bore

Who busts the Crimebusters?


Late to the party, but I just watched this with my daughter....well almost. We turned it off about 3/4 in.

Apart from the OP's comments about particular characters, I have to agree on the quality. While there were some potentially colorful and interesting characters and a few good voices, the film simply did NOT deliver. The dialogue was atrocious, and the jokes (mostly 1-liners) were ghetto-slapstick. My daughter didn't smile once while watching...neither did I.

I was expecting at least SOMETHING with a Disney label attached to this. Goodness. It was a train wreck.
