MovieChat Forums > The Core (2003) Discussion > Is there a movie that so squarely looks ...

Is there a movie that so squarely looks at science and.....

Moons it?

In American that means show it's butt, without butt covering clothes aka we're taking 'bare buns' here. This is more like a pressed ham than a standard moon actually, which is about 3.5 times more powerful than a standard moon.

After thinking about this way too much, I think it actually goes even further than that.

This movie is a roadie for a Slayer cover band, who wanders into a museum by accident to use the bathroom. Let's call this person, Gary. Gary is this movie. Gary walks by a really fancy group of students standing at an attraction in the museum. This tour is full of Doctoral candidate student and a few tourists from someplace fancy... Switzerland. No - Iceland!

Gary sees them with their nerd glasses and their nerdy ways of not-drooling on themselves, and says, "get a load of these dorkbags". Gary knocks on the glass. The entire tour group looks. This movie, who is -again- Gary, presses his white butt against the glass. As Gary gets his footing, they hear a tiny squeak as a tiny sweaty butt cheek slides a little. But now Gary's butt cheek is fully anchored against the glass.

Gary then bends over all the way and presses his testicles against the glass, this is what's known in the industry as a "fruit salad". Gary extends his head down to his knees and knocks on the glass, through the backs of his legs.

All the nerds look. Now is where things get amazing for Gary. During the scene when the team switches from the front to the back-facing seats and they talk of lateral lazers, and cross currents while 5 humpback whales chase them into the Mariana Trench - this when Gary really goes for it.

Confident that he has their attention full, Gary mouths the words "cluck boo birds" where the letter F is in place of the letter C in cluck, boo= the word "you" and the word birds= "nerds". At this point, Gary just lets go with a "12-hour-flight to Mumbai" roaring torrent of diarrhea, against the glass. At the nerds. At the museum. This is what the movie "The Core" does to science.

Except really, Gary just got it all down his leg. The nerds could only laugh, or vomit, or both - but in the end... everyone loses.


This is the most accurate sum-up of a film I've ever seen on Imdb.

I don't know whether to be amazed or appalled at that fact.


Dude, like, marry me or something? I'm a lesbian but I'd totally go straight for ya!


I think this is the best and most acvurate movie review I've ever read in my life!


Despite all that, I really enjoyed it!
