
I know its not the central theme of the film, and there are a million other things going on in the film to discuss, but to me one of the things I liked about the film was how it showed that racism goes both ways. It manages to, in a non-pompous kind of way, show racism towards whites, especially in mostly black communities or when a white person tries to become a part of an industry that was traditionally black (rap music). Usually when racism is tackled in films a white person is usually the baddy, which is understandable considering the history of a lot of white people not exactly being accepting of other races, but its refreshing to see a film which isn't afraid to show situations of racism towards whites, something which I think a lot of films are afraid to do due for fear of being accused of racism (ironically) or of undermining racism towards blacks etc., but 8 Mile manages to bluntly approach the subject without undermining racism towards any other community, simply slotting it in as just one of the other many things Rabbit has to deal with in his life and job as an up and coming rap artist.


well said
