MovieChat Forums > 8 Mile (2002) Discussion > Movie looks super multicultural

Movie looks super multicultural

I probly will never be able to finish this movie it just never draws me in. However, it's on MTV right now and it's on some part were eminem has like 3 black 'friends' in a car with his white friend also. lol that's a movie for you . I don't buy it.


You don't buy what? That a white guy can have 3 black friends?!


I don't get why you don't buy it---the movie was shot completely in Detroit (which has a majority black population) so not only is it plausible, it's more likely that the character would have mainly black friends. Plus the film was a fictionalized version of Eminem's life anyway. I'm from Detroit, so yeah, the film was pretty true to life in some instances---that being one of them. And why the hell would you have a problem with a film being multicultural anyway? There are some places in the U.S. that aren't all majority white,for one thing.



OP: Tidlefriction...
You're watching a movie based on Rap and Hip Hop and wondering how Blacks and Whites can be friends in the movie?
Really? 😳


If he'd been a middle/upper-class white guy I'd be inclined to agree with you. But it's much more unusual with entirely black areas than predominantly black areas. Of course, Jimmy's (Eminem's) skin color is one of his barriers in this film, but it's far from unrealistic that he'd have black peers as friends.


You suck at trolling.
