Okay, thanks for sharing your opinion.
Why does it matter why Eminem was good? He's not a professionally trained actor, so yeah, he just played himself. I'm not sure why you think that detracts from the movie... If he was good, then he was good.
Well, JesusofSuburbia94. Let me explain something to you about human variation. You see, not everyone was born with the same brain. Our opinions and preferences are deteremined by the structure of our brain, and the structure of our brain is determined by our genes and life experiences. Not everyone has the same genes, and not everyone has the same life experiences. Thus, everyone will have different ideas of what is good and bad. Now, let me explain to you what this means: you can dislike something based on what it is, and at the same time, a different person can like that very same thing, based on what it is. See how that works? My favorite color might be blue, yours might be green. Do I think that you really do prefer blue, but you're just lying to me to appear "different"? No, because I recognize that there is nothing fundamentally special about my preference for blue.