Does anyone know why...
It was canceled? I can't say I'm sorry to see it go.
shareSupposedly [as] wanted to go in a different direction with the programming. Despite the creators wanting to continue, the ratings, and the great return on investment, they still felt it was time to move on from the project. Likely they are trying to get out with the old and put new shows on...though other than Rick and Morty nothing seems promising.
shareDave WIllis did a Reddit AMA recently, stating that they would definitely make more ATHF if given the chance...and money.
They apparently need $3.4 million to do the Death Fighter movie. I suggest a kickstarter.
I can understand their desire to move in a new direction. Rick and Morty seems to be hugely successful (and rightly so) and shows like that and The Venture Bros. are a lot less "lolrandom" than their other offerings.
That said, I don't see why different kinds of shows can't co-exist - especially when they're all animated comedies for adults. It's bizarre that they felt the need to end it for reasons other than ones that are creative, but at the same time, this sort of thing is pretty standard within TV when a new person is put in charge.
It's been on for something like 15 years, I think they just felt the show had run its course. Much better to end on a high note than run it into the ground.
Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.
I think it could have gone on for 15 more. Venture bros hasn't been good since season 4. Most of the life action shows on adult swim suck. They play american dad too much. The new cartoons aren't that great either.
I'll miss Carl and 10% finder's fee. You'll never see him again.
I watched this show without drugs and alcohol.
His foundation lies in the holy mountains. Selah.
There's only been one season of The Venture Bros. since season 4 (and I completely disagree, by the way; I think that season 5 was better than 4 and 3).
I never liked adventure bros. I am sad to see aqua teen go. Its the last adult swim I still watched :(.