I Love This Movie

I am a huge movie buff, and I must say that even though i like to say I have a sophisticated taste in movies, I loved this movie. My buddy and I were the only guys in the theatre and we both loved it. Then, just to make sure the movie was as good as I remembered, I saw it a week ago on DVD it was just as funny as I thought. Wilson and Murphy had great chemistry and made a much better duo than Chan and WIlson or Chan and Tucker. C'mon, the "Sexual Healing" scene is hilarious and so are most of Wilson and Murphy's adventures. Watching the whole movie again makes me sad that there is no chance for a sequel, since it did poorly.



Yea they are great. I don't know if they are better than Chan and Tucker. Definatley not better than Rush Hour 1.


I agree, I don't understand why it gets such bad ratings/reviews. The only thing I could imagine is people are expecting something else, maybe something like the cartoons or comics the movie get it's name from. But I think this movie is hilarious, I just watched it tonight on HBO "in demand." I wish they would make a sequel!


You know, I thought they were going to - maybe in the future. I think a sequel would be outstanding. Although I do understand that people are getting kind of tired of the uptight white guy and the wacky black guy pairings. I personally thought that this movie was ridiculously funny and I'd love to see a sequel. I groaned when I heard about it in the first place but once I saw I Spy, I was pleasantly surprised. Kind of like when I heard about Shanghai Knights - I had no interest in it, but did find that I enjoyed it. Let's all email the studio and demand an ISpy sequel :)

"Yeah but Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms..."


I agree, I don't understand why it gets such bad ratings/reviews. The only thing I could imagine is people are expecting something else, maybe something like the cartoons or comics the movie get it's name from. But I think this movie is hilarious, I just watched it tonight on HBO "in demand." I wish they would make a sequel!



very average, regrettably, but the 'sexual healing' scene IS hilarious.


Problem is the movie itself was absolutely average I mean the story was more then average from the looks of things the budget wasn't all that great either and the acting was horrible. BUT!! yes yes the inevitable but. Eddy murphy and owen wilson were great. They make a brilliant wonderfull team they have incredible chemistery together. I dare say even more so then wilson and chan. Because chan mostly does physical humor or so it seems to me. I have to admit I almost went nuts with laughter at the part where eddy walks out of the basement yelling at his assistant. hehe the part where he goes "please one more time..please just screw up one more time..please!!!" It was so hilarious. Same thing with the sexual healing part oh my god that was so funny. So all in all a great (comic) performance by the lead characters the rest of the cast was sadly not that great Specially famke jansen which saddens me more then the rest because I am dutch and proud of the few dutch actors making it in hollywood.

i believe that sex is the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy-steve martin


I, just like the original poster, like to think that I have a fairly sophisticated taste in movies.

So it came as a hell of a surprise that I actually liked this. The chemistry between Eddie and Owen is concrete from the out set. I still have no idea how Owen gels with every 'Buddy-action movie' co-star he acts with. (Chan, Eddie, Stiller). The script is strong with enough laughs and dare I say it even a few hints of originality.

Don't get me wrong. The film is absolute nonsense and stupid beyond the boundry of stupidity....but unlike most movies I found myself thinking....Who cares? It's a bit of mindless fun and moments of the script are sharp or silly enoughj that you find yourself just going with it.

I think the other factor is I caught this movie on cable. If I'd paid for it I may have been somewhat more put out.

But as mindless, action-comedy goes...Nicely done!


I paid to see this movie in the cinema, bought it on DVD and watch it on Tv wheneer its on. me and my friends quote lines from the movie ALL the time! Its no "Schindlers List" or "City Of God" but a thoroughly enjoyable movie from BEGINNING TO END! A lot of people call Eddie Murphyn annoying in this movie but i dont think he is!!

Cannot understand why it flopped at all - i was hoping for a sequel until i came on here and saw it got critically smashed!!


I agree, it was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen and I LOVED eddie murphy in it. It's one I'm definitely glad to have in my collection.


This movie is so funny! I agree that it is far fetched but eddie and owen are so funny together it more than makes up for it. The sexual healing scene has to be the best scene by far. Just bought it the other day on dvd and i still laugh as if it was the first time i watched it!


Yea, its not an award lifter, but i thought it was very funny, very entertaining. Charachters are fantastic, Eddie murphy a boxer? brilliant idea, his attitude and ego make the film for me. Yea it was far fetched and people give it bad reviews because of it, but i reckon they loved 'scary movie' and the likes... maybe not enough 'pie throwing' in this one for them.


I've always liked this movie too ever since I saw it on a plane (one of my fav plane movies). Murphy and Wilson are a hilarious duo. Even with the cheesey plot this movie gets like a 10 in replay value, it never gets old. Wilson and Murphy pwn. peace


Yeah, I agree. I Spy is a very enjoyable movie that could easily be seen just for entertainment. The only thing it lacks(as mentioned by above posters) is a strong overall plot, otherwise it was quite amusing.


I know. Some of my favorite movies are "Goodfellas, Sideways, Pulp Fiction, Dr. Strangelove, Big Lebowski, Fargo, Some Like It Hot, Crash, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, Reservior Dogs, etc" but "I Spy" never fails to entertain me. I think I saw it twice in the movies.


Also, if anything, Murphey and Wilson should do another movie together, even if it isn't a sequal to this one.



Didnt had any hope on this movie cuz I did read an review before watching it (and it gave it super low grade) and when I finaly saw it...Well, it suck (actually Im wathing, or listening to it right now when I writing this, couldnt continue watching, it was and is so boring).
