MovieChat Forums > I Spy (2002) Discussion > Secret Agent Famke is in a sexy new ad

Secret Agent Famke is in a sexy new ad

Has anyone seen the new ad Famke did with her dog Licorice for PETA? She is so beautiful. I just love Famke! There is also apretty cool contest to enter to win free sined dvds by the hotness herself!


wow... She does an ad for PETA and yet she is wearing leather in this moive in like every scene she is in, and the x-men movies she has the leather strong convictions there. Actually I've lost a little respect for her, not for wearing leather, for actually being accosiated with PETA.

I want to learn how to blow up *beep* with my mind.


I just went to a Peta sight and I don't like them either. They say help fight for the rights of cows and stay away from any dairy products! I don't intend to do that. I'll eat and drink as many dairy products as I want to!

Kelloway: Doyle, get in the car.
Doyle: But I ordered Onion Rings.
Kelloway: Doyle!


PETA is one of the biggest most hypocritical eco-terrorist ever. They say one thing in there ads and the celebrity that the showcase, but on the flip side of PETA, member have been tied to bombing of research labs, assaults, and the euthanisation of more animals then they probably rescue. I wouldn't even give then the satisfaction of acknowledging their website.

If anyone wants the real deal on PETA watch Penn and Teller's Bulls#it episode on them.

Sorry, two's company, and three's an adult movie.
