MovieChat Forums > I Spy (2002) Discussion > Kelley Robinson. Best lines.

Kelley Robinson. Best lines.

"if something in my plane is broke. If something in my plane is broke!!!" haha.


"KELLY ROBINSON is just a scared little boy" Lol


There's plenty, but the last scene,

"Hell yeah I'll do that $#it! Float like a jelly bird? let's go right now"

"When I was a kid, I used to always dream I'd be able to fly, I told my grandma, and she said I was a damn fool, that's what made her punch me the first time."

Eddie really was perfect for this role.

"As you can see, they smell great" Andy from Parks and Recreation


"BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!" and "Say Hell No! Say Hell No, B-atch!"...lolol


What kind of beast couldn't get along with a precious little girl like this?


Kelly Robinson's rap works. Get your ass back in there!

When I get that feeeelin'... I want sexually heeeealin'!


The cut to "my grandmother raised me."


Bingo, missed reading my first pass in thread


Let it go now, it's a dead issue - Kelly Robinson has spoke.


"I'm goin' back downstairs . . . no, we in the basement . . . I'm goin' back upstairs, and ya'll got 5 minutes to get my ass in the most expensive suite in this hotel, or else TJ, or else!!!"

"or else what?"

"You know what TJ, I don't even know what else, because I don't think good underground."


"He kicked me in my nuts! How come you just arrestin' the black man?!? My nuts was kicked!!!"


"I'm scared and I'm Ticklish!"


Honestly reminds one he was too fast for anyone's good, spoke so fast, but probably the singing thru his mate's earpiece about 'healing' in an oh so sensual pashion.
