song help

does anybody know the name of the song that is played when those 49er guyz are jumping off the plane right before the scene where that senator womans body guard gives up his gone to the warden [warden rules] .. can any one help please?




or maybe nobody really knows the name of that song!!


Its The Crystal Method - Name of the Game


well its not crystal method ! its another song with words only "lets do this .. then the singer shouts "now" or something!!! " its played in the scene where the 49ers are sky diving !
thanx any way :)


No Dont worry it is ok, I think the one you are talking about is ( Imma Bang - DMX ) I amy be wrong if i am i suggest watching the movie again and listening to all the songs in the Credits --


ima bang - DMX is played at the beginning of the movie (opening credits & car driving stunts scene )
the song i'm talking about is a metal song not rap song .
u can hear it in that scene i'm talkin about (SKYDIVING SCENE) ..
i'm so desperate to find it
i know its neither (DMX) nor (name of the game ) . :)
