MovieChat Forums > Half Past Dead (2002) Discussion > Oh My bad was this movie????

Oh My bad was this movie????

I finally saw this movie last night and My god..are they has more flaws and plot holes than swiss cheese...

Where do I start....JA Rule survives without a scratch a high impact collision into a windscreen..of course......the parachuting from the helicopter from the stratosphere...are they kidding me????

And isnt it amazing how you could possible miss a target from point blank range directly in front of you with automatic guns....well in this movie you can....

Rappers who think they can act......enough said....

If this isnt one of the worst action flicks made for a long time, I would really love to know what is worse...

And to makematters worse I use to lvoe Seagal movies.....But his time is more crap like this...Van Damme is starting to look oscar material....

And was it me or was seagal with a hair piece??/hence the bandana for most of the movie??


Agree. Horrific movie. Did you notice the slow motion shots every 30 seconds? It's stupidity annoys me.


lol, i actually liked this movie.
I know it's all quite unrealistic, i skydive myself, but f*ck it, i enjoyed watching this movie really.

It's a good movie to relax with, it's fun.

god, why the hell did i like this???


lol i don´t know,personally i found nothing good in this movie. Useally i can watch a Steven Seagal movie and laugh my a$$ off but not in this one so it was a disapointment in every way

"piss on christ and kill the priest - follow nature,praise the beast"


A while ago I had been browsing Jabootu and I read this review:

Since then, I had been waiting for this hilarious film to show up on TV (because I would most certainly not *pay* to see it in any way...) - and today it did, and I saw it. Good heavens... it is truly beyond belief, even for a Z-grade "action" flick with Seagal. In fact, it makes other films with Seagal seem almost watchable. No, it even makes *Michael Bay's* films seem almost watchable. "Battlefield Earth" is a serious epic compared to it. It must be seen to be believed (just be sure to read the Jabootu summary beforehand...) - it's probably the single most sidesplitting unintentional comedy since the times and works of Ed Wood.


Absolutely Horrible.. worst acting I've ever seen Steven Seagal was never an award winning actor but some of his past movies actually showed an attempt at acting, this was a terrible waste of time if anyone watched it, its played on HBO every three hours don't waste your time. Besides the woman with the crazy eyes the entire movie was awful. Made me think less of myself after realizing I wasted an hour and a half of my life watching this disgrace.



right on the money. horrible movie. i dont know whats worse, the story or the acting (steven segal particularly) man, how did any of the people workin on this movie get a career in film? blow my mind...


Ya I was thinking just the same as you. Through out the whole movie I was thinking. Segal trying to act black
"Your Prettyful and more reasons that I love you so much and speical to me"

(Thomas Jost to me)


I just watched this back to back with "Armstrong", a straight to video action movie by NuImage and shot in Bulgaria and directed by Menahem Golan and it outclassed this on everything from acting, direction, action scenes to production values. That should easily show you just how bad Half Past Dead is. I have never seen a worse way of spending 30 Million in my life.


ca mon guys this was a decent action flic, seriously just try to have a good time with this one. maybe you guys where expecting too much from ja rule and segal


