If you find out later that they're single doesn't that blow honesty and patience right out the window. They left out the relationship part or flat out lied about it and they didn't have the patience to wait to get out of it.
"What? You don't like your job? There's a support group for that...It's called EVERYONE."
If you want to believe that "leaving things out" is not dishonest that's your choice but you can't tell me that in every relationship that has ever had something "left out" and then that omission was found out there wasn't a huge feeling of mistrust, hurt and/or anger.
"What? You don't like your job? There's a support group for that...It's called EVERYONE."
... if I want to know something; I ASK, and I expect an honest answer... If I get it and am still not impressed, then I don't see how I can justifiably complain... ?!
"Women remember, Steve - it's like they've got minds of their own!"
-Sweats various flavors of fruit juice -Damage to her cerebral cortex makes her think I'm complimenting her even when I'm telling her to shut the hell up so I get back to dozing through the day in my hammock -Doesn't know the difference between "considerate" and "piss drunk" -Has strange optical disorder that makes her think every other man on earth looks like Ernest Borginine -Thinks foreplay is when an author is giving hints of things that will occur later in a book -Hates kids -Doubles as a parachute in case we get stuck on board a plummeting airliner -Finds it sexy when I play videogames for ten hours straight -Can achieve a sort of blissful, Zen state of enlightenment, but only while making me dinner or cleaning the bathroom -Bionic ass -Orgasms cause her eyes to spin around like slots in a slot machine while gold coins shoot out of her mouth