MovieChat Forums > Real Women Have Curves (2002) Discussion > makes you feel good about yourself?

makes you feel good about yourself?

maybe some people felt better about themselves, but i didn't really. it just put ANOTHER accent on weight and made me want to be thinner. haha. did anyone feel like that too? that, after you watched this movie, you knew FOR SURE that you want to be thin and not fat like the women in the film?

i know that it's probably very offensive to say, but when i saw ana naked, i was like "eeeeeewwwwww, thank god i'm thin". ok, i feel pretty bad about it now. whatever.

oh my god, i can't believe it. i've never been this far away from home.


i feel ignored.


I personally don't agree with you but that is just my opinion. I am not societies opinion of fat but im not stick thin either... WHen I saw this movie I felt inspired to love who I am. I didn't end it with a desire to be skinnier.

When Ana looked in the mirror and wanted her fantastic boyfriend to "See her" it made me soo happy to see someone who was happy with themself since self esteem has dropped to an all time low in teenage girls.

I am not trying to beat you down but I just personally think this movie is extremely inspiring for anyone.

OO and fyi- anorexia did not exist in some foriegn countries until American Television was introduced.. I think that is really sad..


no, you didn't offend me or anything... i'm actually very happy that you found the movie inspiring to love who you are. it inspired me too, but in another way, to be thinner. so i guess what you got out of it is way better :). i hope lots of girls got the same feeling about it as you did.

but i don't believe what you said about anorexie not existing in some countries before american tv. that's sort of like stating that homosexuality didn't exist until george micheal went public with it. anorexia and other eating disorders have been around for a long, long time. but just because it didn't have an official name yet, or a treatement for it, or movies about it, doesn't mean it wasn't a problem. people just didn't know what it was, and didn't understand it. but it was there alright. of course there are area's that are (almost) eating disorder free, like third world countries.


I am glad the movie inspired you too, even if it was in a different way.

For the annorexia thing, what you said is surely something to take into consideration and it is most likely factual. I think it is just sad how we (America especially with all the celebrity status) stesses beauty so much as being something external and rarely focuses on internal beauty.

I think that many people are getting are under the wrong impression that if their waist was smaller, boobs were bigger, or that their butt was fuller, they would be happier, which is most definitly not factual. True beauty starts with the acceptance of who you are.


i agree that america has had (or still has) a bad influence on the rest of the world, concerning beauty. living in europe, i know how much we get from the us. especially small countries like belgium take over america's entire culture, simply because we hardly have one: we watch american movies, listen to american bands, get american tv shows, etc. it's crazy really.

but at the same time i'm thankful for it (even though not all of it is good). for example, i wouldn't have 'buffy the vampire slayer' if it wasn't for the us :). haha, i don't know. all i know is that eating disorders (or whatever disorder, really) is bad and that america does indeed have something to do with that.

however, i know all that, and i know that beauty is when you love yourself and blaablabla, but i still want to be thinner. hehe. america's *beep* me up bad, i guess.


I feel good when I get done with a good work out and stetch. It feels good and I left out a lot of stress


sports are stupid.
but that's just my humble opinion ;). i'm glad it works for you, haha.



Actually, it did the opposite to me. Well, kinda.

I guess you could say I am pretty thin. I work out about 8 hours a week and eat healthy. Yet, I always struggle with accepting myself the way I am because I always compare myself to other people looks-wise.

After watching the movie, I was angry that I devalued myself for so long, trying to gain my identity through my personal appearance. I realized that women are sooo much more than just looks, but society has put women's worth in their appearance alone. Read any magazine cover aimed at women. Look at any advertisment (i bet is is exploiting a woman). I was angry that I bought into that crap and now I realize that I do not want to be recognized for something so shallow and fleeting as looks.

Yes a want to be healthy, but I rather have brains, opinions, ideas, and kindness before a hot body only useful for someone else's pleasure.
hook 'em horns!
