Director Rob Cohen calls the villains Anarchists but they are not and the malice scheme of Anarchy '99 has nothing to do with Anarchism. Mass murdering ordinary people does not advance individual liberty or social equality in any way.
Right. Besides, anarchism's original goals was not total removal of authority; it was absence of CENTRALIZED authority. The movie obviously isn't very deep.
This isn't necessarily a mistake on the part of the director. People always label things they do incorrectly. IIRC the Koran doesn't condone half the stuff that is done in it's name.
Does history record any case in which the majority was right?
They were a bunch of drunken, drugged up soldiers, not Politicians, not college students, or anyone well versed in social theory. They were not very concerned about the consequences of their actions, they just wanted the World to feel their power. Make your mark for history, then die young and leave a good looking corpse. The leader had connections to create his idea of a cool super weapon and went for it. The fact that there are cheaper, simpler, and more dependable ways to disperse the death gas may have not even occurred to him because of his tunnel vision.
I think the idea was to - at worst - die for their own cause ... and if that happened to spread anarchy by destroying major cities and/or powers - so be it. I do not think this was mentioned explicitly, but I would imagine many of them served in the Soviet army in Afghanistan.
Just because they call themselves Anarchy, it does not mean they are your anarchy.
They probably would have been better off starting some coffee chain in the Republic.