They need to make a KillJoy 3. Anyone agree. But they need to get a good killjoy and have way better killings the first kill joy was just absolutely stupid but the second one was GOOD. i think they need a killjoy 3
Defo. They need to use that clown as well, not like the one in the first. The second film rocked and I would love to see a third... any plot ideas hulk?
For one, Killjoy is far superior to killjoy 2. Angel Vargas is a better killjoy, and he is actually in the movie. Killjoy 2 barely has any killjoy.
But I have come up with a plot and am currently talking with charles band(exec producer of killjoy) about it. It involves jamal and jadas kid summoning killjoy after lorenzo, tbone, and baby boys illegitimate sons pick on him. This is copywritten by the way, and Charles is VERY interested.
Oh I did say that before that one is better than two, cuz its hella funny... so just for laughs I would love to see your idea come to life. Killjoy has become better than spoofs lol
Jigsaw's last remaining apprentice EVERYONE WILL SUFFER :| JOIN JIGSAW'S ARMY
KILLJOY 4EVA!!!hahahahahah they need to make sequels a cholón!!!jajajaj :D this is the best for laugh! hey! i saw Killjoy 1 in VHS, Blue-Ray and HD the other day in a commercial center! LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Charles Band announced a third film in an interview with HackSlashDead recently.
I doubt it'll happen. There's just no hype. I don't think a third one will be an Urban release, Full Moon stopped making those. And it'll be way low budget.