Why was it made ive never seen something so bad, its absolutely *beep*
At least it is better than the first!
sharehonestly, this film is the worst ive ever seen, i was laughing at it so bad. i turned it off hlaf way through. dam the director sam the writer. they should never work in the business ever again.
shareya gotta at least admit if was way better than part one. this one at least had atmosphere, and that alabama bitch scared me, just by her pure racism of shooting that black guy. though still bad, its way better than the first.
Was it just my lack of attention or did they not even explain that water kills him?
shareFor quite a while, I thought that the world's worst film was that Brothers In Arms rubbish, but this truly gives a new meaning to the word awful.
I mean MY GOD!
I disagree this was worse than part 1, cuz at least part one was so BAD that it made you *beep* your pants. This movie was just like Garbage with a capital G. Oh and they changed the annoying clown for a less annoying one thats about it.
Jigsaw's last remaining apprentice
@anton23_8 - You've not seen many films then.
It was pretty funny, and a vast improvement on Killjoy.
The song over the intro menu made it worth the £1.25 I paid for this! Was hilariously bad! :)