Do you really want to hurt him?
So the mating habits of you insect people as people can be quite extrordinary. You use modern technology to advance yuorself in mating. Those micro chips installed in "supposed" terrorists homes are really a way for you to mate at a distance. The honing signal that is omitted in the air attracts the right species for you to mate with. You ignore all those availible suitors all day long. Yet you continue to thrust yourself into the pit. My only reason for speaking to you while those things have been installed is/was to get you to remove them before something terribly wrong happened. You want that wrong thing to happen. So i leave these emails for the ones who in the future seek the knowledge as to what happened. Nothing hidden. The conspiracy of you eliminating yourselves. You all ended up becoming the terrorist you so pursue. Funny how things work or turn out? Life has always had some story regarding me. You all are the ones who are trying to add to lifes stories of people, here on earth. I am all for that i give you several scenarios and yet it still falls right back in my corner. Those chips would help releive it falling into my corner but that is how it worked out. Someone will be able to sort of read this futuristic message and any other i have left. That is what we are doing these days right? I just know how to do that i,e, "pyramids". Have a good day fella.