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Listen, you'll never stop feeling bad about your 'mole', unless you numb yourself to the whole thing by letting people tease you about it. It's like confronting your fears and hang-ups by, instead of avoiding them, delving deeper into them and fully experiencing them. Maybe you have a mole for a reason. The mole will be gone soon (cosmically speaking), but what you learned from the experience will stay with you forever.
In the old japanese TV drama called 'Gal Circle' (Garusaa for short - don't blame me, blame katakana), there was a girl that went to 'super-rage berzerk mode' every time someone mentioned a potato. It's because that was her name, 'Imoko' (Imo = potato, ko = girl/child), and people used to tease her when she was a kid a lot.
But this Zenlike 'annoying guy' just kept calling her 'Imoko' and let her beat him up, and a cop joined him in doing this. They called her 'Imoko' the all night long, and she beat them up all night long, until she was numb - after all that, being called 'Imoko' didn't evoke any feeling in her anymore.
It's like a joke - at first, you react emotionally, then it becomes less funny each time you hear it, and in the end, it's completely flat and meaningless and you feel nothing and you don't laugh at it. It has lost its power.
The mole will only lose its power once you numb yourself to being teased about it. Avoiding it just makes you dance around the problem and not solve anything. Confronting your fears is the only way to get rid of them.