The Mole Gets Boring

Really, if you've seen the movie a couple of times, it really does. I was watching that scene on fox, and I just wanted to turn it off after two minutes of not laughing.
But yeah, I hate the Mole scenes, but evidently some of you out there LOVE it. Basically, it's just a bad and over done joke for me.


I never really found it that funny, but I do think they do the joke at least one too many times in there.


I never thought it was that funny either.
But the rest was =P



moley moley moley moley, whats not funny about laughing at a guy with a giant hairy mole.


It was excellent. Obviously if you know it's coming it's not as funny and can be irritating, but you know you were laughing your ass off the first time.


It gets boring when peopel keep saying it over adn over in school. All I wanted to do was silence them.


I didn't think it was funny the first time I saw. Probably because it was overplayed in the commercials.. and talkshow interviews.. and tv documentries about the movie. Come time to see the movie, it was VERY annoying and overplayed. Mike tried too hard to make it funny.


I hated it. It was not funny, and was repeated way too many times, just like the Ssh!-scenes


i bet whoever made this thread has a huge mole


The mole-joke is not particularly funny, but what's at least 'fun' about it, is that they go against the convention and do the 'socially impossible', so we finally get to see what it would be like, if someone had the guts to flaunt the social conventions and dare say what they really think in an awkward situation like that.

You -never- see that anywhere, so it's refreshing to see that someone finally dares make fun of someone's obvious visual abnormality, that everyone obviously immediately thinks about and focuses on the second they see his face. I mean, Austin is basically saying what everyone's thinking but would never dare say out loud.

He does prolong it a bit, but those mole scenes basically describe the anxiety you get from 'having to suppress what you really think' when you see something like that. As a kid, you point your finger ar things like that and say things out loud honestly, but adults always whip you into 'proper behaviour form' by saying things like 'don't stare' or 'don't say things like that', etc.

Whom among us would really have the audacity to do what Austin does? Well, besides people in Cobra Kai..(I like how 'lip' becomes 'hawk', although it is avoiding instead of confronting his hang-up).

For THESE reasons, the 'mole' scenes are fun to watch, though not extremely funny.


it twas funny cuase austin found it funny.

lawyer - "you sir are a moron"
Homer - "a mormon,but I'm from earth!


The only thing that I found more annoying than the overplayed Mole jokes was Goldmember: Jesus Christ that character made me want to inflict pain upon Mike for bringing it's unholy existence into the world. He was NOT funny, that single character has spoiled my appreciation for Mike's performance as an actor and comedian.


It was a stupid joke, i thought...and it was shown in every damn commerical for the movie..other than that, excellent movie lol. Very funny!


The guacamole bit was funny ^__^


I loved the mole jokes!!!

Moley, moley, moley, moley, moley!

Oohh. That is so interesting, Danny Aiello.


I didnt find it funny cos they used to pick on me cause I have a mole :(

One Tree Hill



'I didnt find it funny cos they used to pick on me cause I have a mole :( '

I think that smiley should be




I love the mole parts - but I don't recall the advertising for this movie so maybe I just wasn't made sick of it pre-release like some others.

The whole 'moley, moley' conversation and the part where he touches it with a stick still make me laugh.

This movie is a roller coaster - some really funny stuff and some just horrible portions I would like to edit out (for example: every time Foxy speaks).


" think that smiley should be



Listen, you'll never stop feeling bad about your 'mole', unless you numb yourself to the whole thing by letting people tease you about it. It's like confronting your fears and hang-ups by, instead of avoiding them, delving deeper into them and fully experiencing them. Maybe you have a mole for a reason. The mole will be gone soon (cosmically speaking), but what you learned from the experience will stay with you forever.

In the old japanese TV drama called 'Gal Circle' (Garusaa for short - don't blame me, blame katakana), there was a girl that went to 'super-rage berzerk mode' every time someone mentioned a potato. It's because that was her name, 'Imoko' (Imo = potato, ko = girl/child), and people used to tease her when she was a kid a lot.

But this Zenlike 'annoying guy' just kept calling her 'Imoko' and let her beat him up, and a cop joined him in doing this. They called her 'Imoko' the all night long, and she beat them up all night long, until she was numb - after all that, being called 'Imoko' didn't evoke any feeling in her anymore.

It's like a joke - at first, you react emotionally, then it becomes less funny each time you hear it, and in the end, it's completely flat and meaningless and you feel nothing and you don't laugh at it. It has lost its power.

The mole will only lose its power once you numb yourself to being teased about it. Avoiding it just makes you dance around the problem and not solve anything. Confronting your fears is the only way to get rid of them.


It only took me 12 years to realise that was the little kid from The Wonder Years.


Fred Savage was amusing in this.
