Goldmember: Unfunniest character in the series?
Wow, did Mike miss with this one. Making him Dutch has some comedic potential with the accent, but when you hear him say "you are toight" for the third time, you realize it wasn't funny the first time.
The rollerskating and contortions do nothing for me. The plates do nothing for me. Saving his peeling skin in a box is just disgusting, and not funny at all.
Also, since the film is named for him, I think it's a mistake that they spend so much time on Dr Evil, and Goldmember is almost an afterthought. Arguably they could even have ditched Dr Evil except for a cameo and made it solely Austin vs the new villain. As it turns out, that might have made the film ten times worse since there's nothing remotely funny about the Goldmember character.
"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"