What does this mean? AbsoLOUtley?
Do you mean to say 'absolutely'?
Britney doesn't seem to be a big name to me - it looks like a regular name. Many people have been named 'Britney'. How can a name be big anyway? What are you even saying?
Are you trying to say there's some kind of merit and we should all silently pray on our knees on the fading memory of a grave of some promoted, fish-eyed product's career? Are you saying Britney Spears was and became famous because she was something special and cosmic, not realizing she's exactly the same as all the thousands of super-promoted products before and after her? Just because you possibly had a boner for her..?
I don't get your point. Why worship someone just because that someone is promoted into an idol-style product, no matter how crappy non-music her autotuned shrieks are edited into?