Filming Location

Anyone know where this was filmed?


Toronto, I was vacationing there and me and my mom walked to the Eaton mall before going to see the Lion King, and there were trailors and stuff lined up on the street and we sat on a wall and watched a bit of the filming.


Parts of the film were actually filmed at my high school. I wasn't there to witness it at the time since this is my first year at the school, but when I watched the movie, I recognized my school's quad.



Hilary Duff movies are always in Canda,



I have been paying attention to the movie. Just because the movie is set in New York, it doesn't mean they haven't shot any scenes in Canada. A movie doesn't necessarily have to be shot at an exact city, town, location, etc. Trust me, whilst "Cadet Kelly" is set in New York, some parts were definately filmed at my school, which is in Toronto, Canada, and this is a known fact. The whole movie may not have been filmed in Canada, but surely, there were some certain scenes that were.

Please get your facts straight, before you accuse others of their "lack of attention".

Thank you.



Actually, CompetitiveGurl2, starfish21 is correct.

Just because a film happens to be set somewhere doesn't mean it's filmed there. I live in Australia and a couple of years ago worked on the set of an American NBC telemovie (may of heard of it - Code 11-14 with David James Elliot and Terry Farrel). But anyway, it was filmed on the Gold Coast. However, in no part of the film do they go to the Gold Coast.

So what - they have NY taxis. But that's not to say that they filmed in NY. They could have just as easily had one shipped up.



part of the movie was filmed on the campus of St. Andrew's College in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. It's about an hour north of Toronto (depending on how fast you drive). They used the dining hall and the quad, i believe.


now, children (for that is what some of you sound like), i can't believe that this argument has been going on for nearly 12 months. can we move on to another topic?

i am 47, LOVE IMDB, & have just registered, after:

- using it for 3-4 years &
- watching this movie, tonight

i voted it a 2...having similar thoughts to, but more charitable than, AdsBug

...will tell you it was filmed in Toronto. DramaFreak is correct re movies shot in OZ, in fact there are Warner Brothers Studios at the Gold Coast, & Fox Studios in Sydney. you really have no idea what you are watching

read AdsBug's scathing review for an impression that I ALMOST agree with, but i am inclined to say the film is MOSTLY harmless! & there was life before the Brady Bunch movies for Gary Cole "Sir", as the Machiavellian sheriff Lucas Buck in American Gothic


On top of which, what REALLY makes this entire discussion absolutely not worth having is that if you all go look at another page of this very website - one that's linked to from the main page for the movie, for crying out loud ( - then, under "Filming Locations for Cadet Kelly (2002) (TV)", you'll see this: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada". Case definitively closed, if it wasn't already.


salutes 2 braddo...sorry, am still finding my way around the website

just further to my previous comments:

the Matrix movies, for example were filmed in Sydney, Australia

the Lord of The Rings movies were filmed in New Zealand

...simply because it is cheaper to ship a film crew, actors, the works, out to these countries, than to film in the States (plus, of course, certain scenery, but does not apply to Matrix movies)

...& Hollywood is not the film capital of the world

Russia, China & India produce more films, each year

India's film industry is called "Bollywood"

As Bill Gates would say "think outside the square you live in"



The film was shot at St. Andrew's college, which is an extremely expensive... exclusive private school only for males...ironically Hilary Duff is the star in the film. The school is about 5 minutes from where I live in Aurora, which is just north of Toronto but I was never aware they were shooting. The school grounds would've been closed off anyway so when they were shooting I wouldn't have been aware even if I was trying to find out what was going on.


CompetitiveGurl, you are a complete ass and you do not always have to be right. Very rarely are movies shot in just one place, that's understood. I just read all of these replies and I can't believe how stubborn you are and how stupid it makes you sound. Un-friggin-believab le.



Starfish, do you happen to know if this was filmed at or near Loretto Abbey?

But I'm the suburban Housewife!


Alright I registered just to clear up this question, the location of the film was Aurora, Ontario at a school called Saint Andrew's College which is a cadet based all-boys school with dorming facilities. I know that because I just graduated from the school. If anyone else has any other questions just let me know. But by the way you guys would be interested to know she just finished shooting a scene at the school this monday for some other movie.


that's right i live about 10 minutes from there... i could take pictures of it, as could basim-m lol if anybody doesn't get this already


i also live 10 mins from aurora. i hava a friend that lives in aurora and went to st. andrews college, but now he goes to the same school as i do in Richmond Hill.
