i havent seen this movie but i luv hilary duff shes great but i wanna no is this comin on dvd i like the cheetah girls and i no that is so y isnt this also you wish is a good film is that comin on dvd also does any1 no y disney dicided 2 release the cheetah girls on dvd dont get me wrong i fink its a good idea i just wanna no y disney wants 2 thanks
First of all, learn the use of a comma, period, the Caps Lock button, and the three letters: T, W, and O, strung together. Also, the three letters O, N, and E strung together. Then, someone will probably understand you. Thank you very much! By the way, the smilie was sarcasm.
To write like JKR, you have to think like JKR. Me, 7/03/04, 5:11 PM
Hey freetoread, that is seriously unneed here ok. This is a place to openly write what ever you want even if it was in computer lingo ok. SO back off and stop ripping on someone who simply wants to make life easier by not going the long way. Maybe you were just to stupid to read between the letters. I for one knew how to read it. Maybe you should spend more time in a dictionary and less on the computer. We don't need people like you bashing on us simply because you have confidence problems. Back off and get a life.
If "this is a place to openly write what ever you want" why are you jumping all over FreeToRead? And what do you mean by making life easier by not going the long way? I found the original post very difficult to read and pretty much skipped it. I'd be willing to bet that it takes more effort for 1 2 rite n such a way dat it looks kewl in a teeny bopper's mind than to write in at least a marginally correct way. Maybe the hooked on phonics generation needs to sound it out, but we sight-readers go a lot faster when there's proper spelling and punctuation to be found.
As for the original question, Disney is masterful at controlling their products. They are big enough and patient enough to put off making immediate profit if they know that by rationing out their releases they can reap an even bigger profit.
Aoccrdnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist & lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses & you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
I hate to sound like the old fogie that I am, but among the Disney TV-Movies that I'd like to see on DVD are The Pigeon That Worked a Miracle, the Alvin Fernald trilogy, Return of the Big Cat, The Young Runaways, The Kids Who Knew Too Much, and Funny, You Don't Look 200: A Constitutional Vaudeville. I know that "Child of Glass" and a few others were on VHS, and you're right, some were good and some sucked.
This is a place to openly write what ever you want even if it was in computer lingo ok. SO back off and stop ripping on someone who simply wants to make life easier by not going the long way.
Make life easier for whom? If you want your message to be understood, it's best to write in a way that the other person will understand it. Nobody's perfect, but if you at least try to pay attention to your grammar, you won't look like a complete idiot.
-- "An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind" reply share
You are all *so* very pathetic. You go fromn DVDs to grammar, to not being understood. Stick with one thing and follow it, otherwise folks will take you away and give you pills for ADHD and sodomize you with aluminum baseball bats.