question about a line

When Kelly and Jennifer were basically "fighting" over brad when Kelly asked to "borrow spit" for the shoe and Jennifer asked for brad to help her with some moves: Kelly said something and then said "and people rub my head." Then turned to Brad for him to rub it. What did she say right before she said "and people rub my head."

Does anyone remember?

I am an Outsidersholic and proud of it


The full line was that she was considered lucky,and people rubbed her head for good luck..not totally sure,haven't watched it for awhile.

This is the closest thing I could find,in the quotes:

Kelly Collins: [to Brad Rigby, while shining boots] Excuse me, sir, may I borrow some spit? I promise I'll pay you back!

No soup for you! NEXT!


The line went:

"I don't mean to brag, but I always bring luck to things, sometimes people rub my head."
