Culture shocked

I caught this show late one night on some cable channel, and I can say this would never be allowed to be shown unedited to its' target audience (11-15 y/o's roughly) in America. It was the episode where Eve and her friends are going to the school "social" and everyone's talking about sex and people getting pregnant... I'm an American, I think it's ironic that our TV here can show tons a violence but the topic of "sex" is completely absurd -- it's getting better but we still have a "Puritanistic" outlook on everything.

"Don't make me go Zelda on you..."


that liberal approach is a blessing and a curse, NZ has the highest rate of STD's between 14-24 in the developed world, there are 1000 new cases of clamedaia a month, for a country of only 4 million that's pretty high! abortion under 20 is 3rd highest in the world. so as I said a blessing and a curse.


I am fairly sure that is not because of what is on NZ TV....


she's saying since they have high rates of stds and abortion in response they are educating young audience about the possible dangers that are involving sex. it's somewhat of prevention system at this point it's not because of the show.
