MovieChat Forums > Rush Hour 3 (2007) Discussion > The name of the song that Guinevere danc...

The name of the song that Guinevere dances at the show

Does anyone know the name of the song that Guinevere dances to at the show. Its before Chris and Jackie do their number. Thanks


Hi ! The song is called "Bonnie & Clide" by Brigitte Bardot and another man but sorry I don't know his name.


the man name is Serge Gainsbourg. He is a famous singer in France. His music sometime come in american movies ( I remember in The rule of attraction). He is famous to have turn the national french hymne into a reagge song

The song "Bonnie and Clyde" has been wrote in 1968



Oh so that's why they choosed to call her Genevieve, obviously with that being my name I know about St.Genevieve, but I didn't think the writers of this movie to be that smart ;)I just thought they choosed it because it was either a pretty name or bedause it is popular in France, you learn something new Thanks!



Yeah Bonnie and Clyde is a duet by Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot. You can get it on an album called Comic Strip by Serge Gainsbourg, one of three sort of "greatest hits" albums that each collect the best of Serge's various styles. Little tidbit--Serge's daughter Charlotte, a French actress of some renown, is married to the actor who played the cabbie in the film, Yvan Attal.
