MovieChat Forums > Rush Hour 3 (2007) Discussion > Why is CT's character so racist?

Why is CT's character so racist?

Yes, another one of those threads, but I'm not trying to troll here. I only watched 30 minutes of this and all I saw in CT's character was a racist bigot. Saying things like:

I have two black belts and studied Buddha so I'm half-Chinese.

You can't be half-black....there's a height requirement.

Since when do Asian's speak French....Now talk right.

Now I don't think that CT is a racist himself, but whoa his character is. Now I know there are those that will say "Hey lighten up man, it's just comedy" but if the roles were reversed. You would have the NAACP crying racism.


Because its funny! his charcter is so funny, like in the scene from RH2 when he is in the taxi cab arguring with the driver, going "imma slap you!"


Do you know racist actually means? It's called joking around. Im sure Carter doesnt actually believe the words that comes outta his mouth.
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I don't think you know what racist means, never once need Carter ever say he was supeier to any of the other characters in the movie. Or He wanted them to die, it was a joke, like when I tell my spanish Friend don't worry you are a honary black person. And when I went to France, it really did trip me out when I heard an Asain man speaking french and that was all he could speak, I was like WTF?

there are three types of people in this word those that know how to count and those that don't



Hey, I'm Asian and I thought his jokes were funny.


Yah not to be taken so seriously.



Why is he so racist?
Um, because be is a black american, maybe?
Remind me to write a movie where the white cop tells the British black guy to drop the accent and talk Ebonics like a normal black guy. Then we'll see how funny it is.
Coming Soon... The December Man



LOL that isn't racism. Carter is pretty dumb, if you haven't noticed. In the first film, he said Lee doesn't even speak American. Obviously he's not too bright, your examples of 'racism' is more of his buffoonery.

Why is he so racist?
Um, because be is a black american, maybe?
Remind me to write a movie where the white cop tells the British black guy to drop the accent and talk Ebonics like a normal black guy. Then we'll see how funny it is.

Oh please. We'll see how funny it won't be because that sounds cheesy as hell.
