Yes, the middle of the movie were it got all dramatized when Lee told Carter that he's not his brother anymore and then that music started playing with the different scenes of Lee and Carter doing things on their own.
I just sat my hand on my forehead thinking this doesn't belong in a Rush Hour film, do they expect me to suppose to get emotional. lol.
Then the scene of Lee ordering some Fried Chicken and greens from room service, and Carter at a Chinese restaurant ordering I beleive some mushou. The whole scene was pretty cheesy.
The scene you mention is because there was the big idea of showing off as a racially cool film director. Let me explain this: Brett Ratner wanted a racially cool film, black and asians can friendly "insult" each others without causing problems because they are considered minorities and fear no harm from themselves but if it was a white that was differnt thing. So Whites, Blacks and Asians can go to the cinema and all have cool friendly fun with no harm or bad intentions to offend each other. In any case, as you see he put a "French" actress with Afro background in the film.. In the first film there was no girl, in #2 the "bombs" were Isabela Molina and the Chinese Zhang Zihji (spelling?), now they've chosen a black one to make the black audience happy and show that there is equality from the Director of Rush Hour 3 this is my opinion at least to explain that "brother" broken-heart scene
"Yes, the middle of the movie were it got all dramatized when Lee told Carter that he's not his brother anymore and then that music started playing with the different scenes of Lee and Carter doing things on their own" -Ha, i thought that was funny, i think it was suppose to be funny, not serious. lol
"Yes, the middle of the movie were it got all dramatized when Lee told Carter that he's not his brother anymore and then that music started playing with the different scenes of Lee and Carter doing things on their own.
I just sat my hand on my forehead thinking this doesn't belong in a Rush Hour film, do they expect me to suppose to get emotional. lol.
Then the scene of Lee ordering some Fried Chicken and greens from room service, and Carter at a Chinese restaurant ordering I beleive some mushou. [] The whole scene was pretty cheesy. "
are you was supposed to be corny on purpose with the corny music and the look back to the hotel you need a since of humor
Well they had to do something different from the other 2, something to be original from the others. I liked that part, it showed their fondness for each other.
"My cat can eat a whole watermelon!" - Ruben and Ed
I remember the ending as being "really bad", but I don't remember any real good scenes to compare it to.
The hospital scene where the gangsters were trying to get the guy again was ok(except there would have been 10 nurses and other hospital personnel around, and not just one, even if they had closed the unit, and regardless of the number of security guards).
The nun scene was stupid and embarassing.
The scene where Chris Tucker was directing traffic was funny, but got stupid when the girls showed up.
Everything that took place in France was dumb.
The 8foot giant scene and the dojo nonsense was stupid too.
I don't remember anything else.
By the way, what was the "National Anthem" scene? I don't remember that. I saw it around opening night.
-the nun scene. Funny but after 30 seconds, you wondered what happened to the punch line. In short, you wanted them to get to the friggin point already.
-George singing the National Anthem with Carter. Felt my nerves split in that scene.
But that was my only complaints really. Everything else I loved.
"I'm your huckleberry."-Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone
It was the part where, after Lee and Carter had just arrived in France, called a taxi, and after the driver said he didn't drive Americans, Carter pointed a gun to his head and said "SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM RIGHT NOW!" (Or something to that effect.) Then he sung the first few lines in that loud, high voice of his and then the taxi driver started singing....
I literally had to look away. I couldn't take it.
Now, what was the Dojo?
This time, Effie White's gonna win.
Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.
Oh. The only thing I thought was remotely funny about that was he had just said that "Americans were violent people". After that it was nonsense.
Because I know nothing about martial arts, since the Karate Kid I use the term dojo for any school with karate guys. Hence the scene with the little kids and the 8 foot giant(who ignores men with automatic weapons), but chooses to let the one obnoxious guy have it. Had Chris Tucker declared himself a police officer(making it make even less sense)?
I don't know. Maybe if I had an automatic weapon I would consider messing with an 8foot giant. But, if confronted, I would likely have to step back and rethink my plan.
The girl Soo Yung from the first Rush Hour was cute, and delivered some funny parts(i.e. singing along with Mariah Carey, and then the scene where she's taunting the guy to push the button). This Soo Yung was pure silliness.
I just don't get it. How Rush Hour 1 can truly be funny. Rush Hour 2, not bad, but still quite funny, but Rush Hour 3 could be pure silliness? It's almost like they said, "Hey, give them a decent show, whatever happens, we're still getting paid like bandits, so don't work too hard."
Any part with that stupid Soo Yung in it. Was that the same girl? I thought the young one in the first movie was brilliant and was looking forward to seeing her again in this movie. But she comes and practically reads out of a script I felt like shaving my ears off my head whenever she spoke.
What really bugged me was when Lee was fighting the Chinese assassin and she began making sounds as Carter was listening by the door and thought they were having sex. My friends thought it was funny but that was just disturbing. Why the hell would someone want to invade a person's privacy.
If someone saved me from a kidnapping where I saw two people murdered and pulled a bomb off my chest, I'm sure I'd remember them for life, and wouldn't stumble like they were the guys who sold me a car a few years back.
The national anthem part was funny. I loved how Chris sung the fist line especially it put a smile on my face because it was so funny because it sounded so bad XD
Also I loved the Dojo scene, especially when big guy threw Lee through his legs and Lee landed so funny.
And yeah, Soo Yungs actor wasn't very good to be honest. The hospital scene had excellent fighting, but the finale was kind of cheesy, I liked how Soo Yung did that tumble, picked up the mag passed it to Lee, but Lee should have just thrown it to Carter... not rolled slowly along on the chair. THEN Carter fires two extremely quick shots while landing on his back and kills both the bad guys. That was bad because earlier in the scene he was standning still and not hitting anyone... then while moving with two extremely quick shots he has a 100% hit rate... lol.
Another scene I didn't like was when Kenji made it so he'd slip out of Lee grip, he fell... but the netting still failed under Lee's own weight. Ok, that's fine, but Lee makes it out okay because the netting swings him to safety. So Kenji didn't need to die at all.. the netting would have just given up sooner and swung them BOTH to safety. It just made Kenji's death so meaningless. That was so bad, lol.
Why is nobody mentioning the scene at the theater where the lights somehow direct themselves onto Jackie Chan (who was controlling them at that stage?) so he can swing in and perform that short musical number... That was embarrassing.
i thought carter wanted the guy to believe he was going to kill him so he intentionally let lee hold the cartridge and then pretended it was an accident that the gun didn't fire, that way the bad guy wouldn't think carter was bluffing when the cartridge was put back in the gun.
"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself" Peter Griffin - Family Guy
Why is nobody mentioning the scene at the theater where the lights somehow direct themselves onto Jackie Chan (who was controlling them at that stage?) so he can swing in and perform that short musical number... That was embarrassing.
Lol yeah that was bad. We look up and Jackie is suddenly on the swing and the spotlight suddenly beams directly on him it just seemed random and wasn't funny imo
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i actually thought the only fun line in the movie was from the previous post. almost everything else from the national anthems to musical numbers and to the point where carter starts singing kung fu fighting was very cheese and stupid.
Jake: She says he's pretty. Joey: Yeah, well, you make him ugly.
when carter said to the nun "nice working with you sister" and she replied "anytime, brother" and they highfived I pretended to my girlfriend who was with me at the movies that I was just checking something on my mobile and had missed the scene, cause it was just so embarrassing.
one of the worst scenes was the ending, it felt so rushed, like they just wanted to finish the movie and on the way they ran out of ideas... And why did he have to walk to the pool before dying?
The national anthem was pretty bad. I also didn't like Chris Tucker singing Kung Fu Fighting. And the ending was rushed big time. Not a smart way to end a film.
I know EXACTLY what you mean. That line was so bad. I really wish I had my phone with me at the time to mess around with. I remember turning to one of my brothers and just going "Ugh!"..
It seemed like, in this movie, Carter crossed the line from "smart-mouthed maverick" to "dangerous psychopath"...pressuring the two women for a date while threatening them with criminal charges (not to mention insulting the heavy one, and commandeering their car). It just made me think of Harvey Keitel's scene with the Jersey girls in "Bad Lieutenant."
--- "Little do they know how little I know about the little there is to know." - Neddy Seagoon
The National Anthem scene was one of the funniest. Some people have no sense of humour.
What was unbearable was the Cab driver's final appearance. Something being ludicrous is fine in a Comedy if they make it funny, but it was as if they just searched through their character list and chose one to perform that action without taking it anywhere else. The film just "ended".
Rest of the movie was fine though. You have to rate an Action comedy mostly on comedy, which it did deliver a lot.
Who didn't see the "twist" coming... just like the first one. The hospital shoot-out was bad. I don't expect complete realism from this kind of movie, but not ONE other hospital employee, or patient, or anyone around?