10 reason why this film was a flop
1 It was filmed in Paris. Paris is boring and depressing.
2 Recasting councel Han. The new actor didn't look or sound anything like him. We're not stupid.
3 Including Soo Yung in the film. We didn't need her character. They obviously included her for sex appeal.
4 Including a Japanese man in the film. Chinese and Japanese just does not mix.
5 The plot hole of making Lee grow up in an orphanage when in the earlier films he talked about his cop daddy.
6 The "you're not my brother" was just cheesy.
7 The complicated plot. I never did get it.
8 The lack of hot baddies. Sang. Hu li.
9 The lack of China and Los Angeles.
10 The stupid French taxi driver who worshipped American violence and wanted to kill someone. The gun violence in America is tragic, not cool or funny.