The police didn't act credibly!
They didn't do their job AT ALL and it seemed pretty unrealistic to me. I mean when the robber gets killed, first things first u go to his wife and bring her the bad news, then u ask her "when was the last time u saw ur husband?" "Oh yeah officer i saw him on saturday morning <day of the robbery>, he left with his working buddy Hank"
BOOOM, hank is the son of the store's owner, let's go to his'.
Hank collapses and cries, too much pressure. Hank's in jail, movie's over. 10min flat.
Second "detail" that annoyed me, the director/writer didn't care to explain what happens to Hank after he runs away and for me thats not acceptable. How can u not finish the arc of one of the main character?? Simply unacceptable.
That being said i really enjoyed the movie and i gave it a solid 7/10.
"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"