John prological estate - normal person
Summary:I met this guy once on the street
In a store in a check out line. A interesting side note. His show is interesting. very well made, the show is mixture of tv talk, self help and supernatural. Edwards claims to hear voices which help him find out things about people who have died or people who need clarification on points in their life. Family in nature Crossing Over is a interesting foray into a good use of the "new age" style label which has been slapped on this ability. CROSSING OVER has appeal because it is something different than the multitude of other shows in the talk format. Edwards is good at what he does and does have a ability of some sort, however one wants to describe it. ESP or something more, he uses his shows format to deleve into personal matters and many times help people who's loved one's have passed away. The reliigous content of this show seems to be tied to a spiritualism/spoirit world format. Currently a popular program.
My notes: I think this guy is a fraud just like peter popoff. Was he trying 2 get into the frozen turkeys head 2 find its past and if the frozen turkies on the shelf are its family? I see a JIM in this picture? Anyone know a Jim? uhh...i am seeing a married couple, (we're married....were married 2) ok... now anyone of the couple know a jim or billy bob or kelsey grammer type person? (I know a billy and a jim) oh, ok good. Now i am sensing that billy or Jim is either older or younger than u? (uh yes she is) oh ok...(she...edwards now sweating) uhh, so is he uhh she married? and so on.....C, i can do this.