MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over with John Edward Discussion > Crossing Over was a Total Scam...Totally

Crossing Over was a Total Scam...Totally


No one can talk to the dead. No one. Period.

Here's how his fakery worked: People in the studio audience were lined up outside waiting to get in. What do you think these people are going to talk about? They're going to naturally talk about their dead relatives because they're going on a talk show about communicating with the dead. Well, guess what? Also in these lines of people are plants. That's right the show planted people in the line to eavesdrop on conversations and report back to John on what they heard. They get names, details, dates, ages, etc., all from listening to the audience members chatter while in line waiting to get in.

It's a scam. There...that's how he did it. And he raked in millions probably.

No one can talk to the dead.






Guy 1: Oh My God, I found a penny!
Guy 2: You B@stard!



I do believe in psychic's but not televised ones. My mom goes to one maybe once a year, a woman shes never met, and the first time made an appointment the woman knew some things she couldnt possibly know. As for televised psychic's, I usually think they are a load of crap. But thank you beeracuda for that hilarious article LOL!

"All I know, is I'm Liz Parker... and I'm happy :D"


"Amen!" usually means the person they're responding to was a douchebag. Sad.

And Epinions are like 㚚holes... well, you know the rest of the phrase


"and the first time made an appointment the woman knew some things she couldnt possibly know."


I know you don't want to hear it, but your mom was duped. Don't be a fool. This is the problem with anecdotal evidence. Your mom may have told you that, but if you could go back in time to watch her and the psychic you'd probably see that your mom was fooled with the classic techniques that they all use.

They don't stay in business by being stupid, they make a living by making people like your mom think that they "know some things they couldn't possibly know".


Oh. You saw that Southpark episode too?

"I'm a vegetarian, dammit!!"
Burn in hell, National Vanguard!!


Don't know about the thread author, but I certainly did and it was hilarious!! xD

visit - my devART! ^-^


Remember when John wanted to talk to the dead victims of 9/11?



Are you acusing me? I didn't try to contact anyone.



I think you misunderstood me. Just because I brought up him trying to contact the victims of 9/11 in this thread doesn't mean I agree that his show was a scam, though that probably doesn't help much. I don't agree or disagree with John Edward, and I am not incensitive to the victims of 9/11.

Burn in hell, National Vanguard!!


"You have your belief system, I have mine, and there's nothing wrong with that. Right?"

Of course there's something wrong with it, when you believe something that is so obviously not true (and which has been fooling people like you for over 100 years now), there is something wrong. I would just want you to open your eyes and your mind to reality and not be taken in by scam artists. Maybe if I had my own TV show that would lend more crediblity to me though, right? So to hell with facts, logic, science, and the ease of proving John as a scam, I guess.

All "belief systems" are not created equal. The 9/11 hijackers had one, didn't they? They thought that they were going to heaven to meet 72 virgins because they died defending Islam. Your beliefs are exactly as empty and meaningless as theirs. When you finally understand that, you'll be a better person.



"It may not be true for you but it is for millions of others around the globe."

This can be said about many things. Heroin use is a great recreational activity enjoyed by millions around the globe, but that doesn't actually prove anything other than heroin is addictive and available. The truth is not determined by a vote or a popularity contest.

"I am truly shocked by what you have written. Your hideous comparison of the murdurous 9/11 hi-jackers beliefs to a belief in psychic mediumship just solidifies your intolerance, insensitiveness, and blatant disrespect for your fellow human beings."

I'm glad you typed that, because it shows you understand the absurdity of the hijackers' beliefs. My intention was to bring my point to something both you and I can relate to, and certainly 9/11 is a common scar on all of us. I only invoke the analogy because I knew you would understand, and your response shows me that you do.

I didn't expect such an emotional over-reaction, but I think you're wrong about what you said. I'm certainly not intolerant, I tolerate other people's beliefs all the time, including yours, including that of muslims, christians, and others. I don't see how my analogy makes me intolerant of anyone. I'm also not insensitive, I used the analogy specifically to elicit a certain understanding in you, which I think worked. I'm also very respectful of others, just because I mention the events of 9/11 doesn't put me on equal footing to those who flew planes into a building and killed thousands. I would say that's pretty disrespectful to other human beings. All I'm doing is using the events in an applicable analogy.

Now I'm afraid you may have missed my main point, however. The point being that not all belief systems are equal, some are better ("more correct") than others. Logically, and I'm talking in strict logical terms, your beliefs are supported by exactly the same amount of evidence as the belief that 72 virgins await those who die defending Islam. This is also true of the evidence supporting christian ideas of Jesus, belief in ghosts, and belief in aliens abducting people. All the evidence is explainable in a rational way or doesn't exist to begin with.

"My friend, you are in desperate need of some sensitivity training, or better yet a heart implant."

I'm sorry that logic doesn't take "feelings" into account when determining truth. This is what I said: "The 9/11 hijackers had one, didn't they? They thought that they were going to heaven to meet 72 virgins because they died defending Islam". None of that is false, none of it is inflammatory, none of it is disrespectful. Because of that, I think you reacted so strongly just because I brought up the events of that day? It's OK to talk about what happened, it's unhealthy to try to ignore it or keep it quiet. I'm not sure what in those two sentences you got offended by, so I'll just leave it at that.

"Perhaps you could bring yourself to do some research outside of the neo-conservative thinking that so many in middle American seem to have."

Neo-conservative? I'm sorry that you misunderstand my views so much. I'm a conservative's nightmare. Come to think of it, I'm also a liberal's nightmare. I don't belong in either category, nor would I want to, both are full of terrible, terrible, horrible, silly ideas. Conservatives and middle America (and lots of liberals) are also rather reliant on religion, and obviously from my views here I am not a big fan of religion. I'm a fan of science, rationality, and logic. We don't have much else to base what we know about reality on, because beyond those things we're just making crap up.



Oddly enough, Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller had the best critique of sham psychics I have ever heard in regards to these feelings.

Even if some fake like Edwards or Sylvia Browne can give you comfort, say they've totally duped you into believing they made contact with your loved one and they give you this final is that theirs to give to you? Why should they take from you your last memory of your loved one and replace it with something else? That's the problem with fraud psychics. Even if they aren't damaging people (which someone like Sylvia Browne does frequently, if you follow her little circus of insanity) they're screwing with something that's obviously precious to you. Now if you believe them, it seems like there's nothing wrong. But imagine if they are lying to you, or imagine if you caught them lying to someone else, doesn't that incense you?

Anyway, there's ample evidence out there to show how "psychics" do their shtick if you're interested in looking it up, and plenty of anecdotal evidence from people who have been to live shows, as opposed to heavily edited and taped ones, about how Edwards misses constantly and fishes until he gets a bite from someone in the crowd.

I'd check out if you like, read about the $1 million dollar prize that James Randi has for any proof of any paranormal phenomena of any kind that no one has ever won. Psychics like Sylvia Brown claim it's a scam, but you can read all the documentation and see it's not. Others claim they don't need to prove it, but that's just sad. For a million bucks, which could at least go to a very needy charity and close the books on whether psychic phenomena is real? There's no excuse not to except that psychics are frauds.

Some people will never want to believe the truth though.



There's no limit to what can be done in the world when you refuse to listen to anything anyone else says and get defensive at the slightest hint of someone with a different point of view, no matter how valid it is. After all, can't ever admit you could be wrong.


"I'll leave two final thoughts...have you asked yourself why in the world you are spending so much time on the Crossing Over site -- a show that you clearly do not support?"

Well, I don't actually spend much time here, but I can explain how I got here and why I choose to post on the boards every now and then.

I am a skeptic, a person who views the world from a naturalistic, scientific point of view. Where something can be explained by science or logic, I do not see the need to make up fantasies of people talking to the dead, or god, or aliens abducting people, etc. So, as I'm an active skeptic, I surf the net specifically to find out what other people are busy believing. I enjoy taking interest in what factors lead a person into duping themselves into believing absurd fantasies. So it's from this that I feel the need to try and get people to see things from a more earthly, coherent perspective. It helps me flesh out my own views and engage with people who disagree with me, which I find intellectually stimulating. Always talking to people who agree with what you say can be intellectual masturbation, it's just not the same without the challenge of an opposing viewpoint.

Although it is hard to change someone's mind when they are so determined to believe something, I hope that I can at least plant the seed of rationality. That maybe someday someone reading this will begin to realize that things are rather easily explained without fantasy and unfalsifiable theories. For example, is it easier to believe that John talks to dead people (who, for some reason, can't just talk to him normally, but only give him vauge clues which he throws out to audience members, etc) or is it easier (and much more rational) to belive that John is making it all up for money (as people throughout history have done, Houdini clearly and comprehensively debunked them by the way) and is using "cold reading" and possibly "hot reading" techniques to get a response from the audience (hence explaining the vauge information, etc., used in his readings). Ask yourself seriously, why is it so much easier for you to believe that he is talking to the dead? Deep down inside, it is most likely your fear of death, your longing to live beyond this current life. John gives you the hope that you will live on after death, and that your loved ones do too. This is why people believe, but it takes away from the beauty of this life, the only time that you'll ever be a self-aware, conscious being. Don't waste the short time you have on hard-to-believe fantasies.

That's why I post here, I hope to open people's eyes, to help them to think critically, and do not get taken in by con-men like John who have been around for centuries.

"Second, if what John does is so offensive to you then change the channel."

One must know one's enemy to successfully argue against it. Where you see him talking to the dead, I see cold reading techniques and video editing. I don't understand how it's so believable to some people. I'm not so much offended as I am baffled by it. Plus I feel smarter since I'm not so easily fooled by an obvious lyer.

"Hmn...think I already played this game. Please find something more constructive to do with your life my friend. Take care..."

I am saddened that you still dismiss the clear logic and sensibility of the last poster there. Think about who is doing something constructive and who is not: you lend your mind to a con-man and a lyer, while others are critically thinking about the situation and offering down to earth, rational, and ultimately correct explanations for John's "powers". Think of the people like yourself throughout history who have been duped by the same cold-reading lyers, who wasted their lives believing in an afterlife and that their relatives were still alive in some other realm. Again, Houdini did a fine job of exposing these people for what they were, today is no different, only there are now more skeptics to combat the lyers.


guess I can't say anything about God. I'd probably be called all sorts of names.
Now a days saying your a Christian is inviting to be ridiculed. What a Godless society we live in. We can blame it on illegal immigration,gays,the "left,the
"right",the Blacks,the Whites...


Yeah that episode was hiliarious!
I loved the part when John Edwards screamed "I am not a douch!"



All you cynics and skeptics have to do, is to learn and execute meditation on a daily basis. I have observed that every being has psychic ability. EVERYONE!

First, you have to believe.
Second, you have to meditate all the time.

Then you will see for yourselves, the illusion that sorrounds you. I spent the time and effort to research this, as well as reading everything that I could find. I continue to do so. Then I practice and I have accomplished, what you believe is not so. Therefore, I can see outside of the box. I taught what I have learned to my Fiancee. Now she is developing psychic ability. If we are all created in the image of God, then it is reason to remember, that we have the same abilities of God. That includes psychic ability.

Do you want to know who and what you really are? Just read "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. Infact, read ALL of his books.

What's the best how-to book on meditation? Read "Spiritual Breakthrough" by John van Auken.

Do you want to learn to create what you desire? Or even to know that everyone is a creative being? Read "Ask and it is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Just look around the current state of this planet. The collective consciousness of every being in this world has created the reality that you all live in today. If you desire a better world, then change your thought about it. Let go of your Fear, your anger, your hate and then you will relieve all of your suffering.

I will tell you this: Keep being negative and you will never see what we can see. For being able to recognize that you even have this innate ability, requires that you have focus and a positive mental attitude, along with a positive emotional state. Remember the old addage: Rubbish in... Rubbish out!

Did you know that dreams are a form of psychic ability?? John Edward can talk to the dead because people never die! We just change form back to spiritual beings. We are spiritual beings first. Being human, is an extension of who we are. I bet you didn't know that!

John Edward can talk to the dead because he is able to totally quiet his conscious mind, so that he can reach is subconscious and superconscious mind. That's your barrier! Your conscious mind. Those of us who use meditation are able to totally quiet our minds so that we can tune in to the spirit realm. Just like tuning the radio. But first you all have to plug in the antenna. You plug in the antenna by quieting your minds. Let's see you try it. I challenge all of you to evolve by raising your level of consciousness. Then after you wake up, realize the ignorance is no longer there.

In Light...



Hi CSD, So glad to see that there is someone else who is a fan of John Edward and mediumship in general. I also believe that John Edward can talk to the dead. He has helped so many people and if people believe in what John does and get something positive from it then the Skeptics / cynics should respect that. Being a part of this message board I have and always will continue to show my support for John Edward. It doesn't matter what the cynics / skeptics have to say I will always write what I believe. If people don't believe in what John Edward does then they're not going to get anything positive from it.


Have a nice day



Hello Jennifer,

Thank you for your feedback. I'm honoured. I thought that it would be a good idea to post what I had to say under a new thread, for everyone to see.

Check out Wisdom from a Developing Psychic to all skeptics + cynics.

I even added on to what I wrote before.

In Light,




Hello koalaloversyd,

Many thanks for the welcome.

Yes, the cynics are lost... The skeptics are searching. Still, we have to keep plugging along. We still have to wake people up. I used to be skeptical, but I always was open minded. I read or heard John say something about, when he was developing his abilities, that he read and researched everything that he could get his hands on. John was putting out the challenge. I took it and ran with it. In the last year, I have added about 75 books to my library. I haven't stopped. I'm getting ready to order 8 more.

I have observed that ones beliefs are based, giving ones understanding of the their world, as they see it. A person can look at a painting and only see what they want to see. However, they still miss the big picture. It was right in front of them.

Ego in this world, is a majour problem. Any negative thought, word, action, emotion or deed, will keep a person blinded. I find that people have adapted to living <<OF>> this world and not just <<IN>> it. I have also observed that any religion that preaches fear of any kind, does not serve the people. I see it as a business to make money, and to stay in business at any cost. This gives them power. Power feeds the ego. The circle is now complete.

I watched John on the telly when he had his Crossing Over show. I hear he has a new show. I wished I had taped his other shows. I don't have cable/satellite here to pick up WE. I would loved to have sent a copy of John's old Crossing Over shows to my girlfriend, in the Philippines, who is also developing. I sent her his audio tapes. I give credit to John for getting me interested in researching metaphysics.

You asked if the cynics views are their problems... They will be reborn on this planet until they do get it. So, yes there. It also becomes a barrier for other people who take the cynics' point of view as the "gospel", without proving it to themselves first. Let me give an example of this:

Suppose you are studying a painting, or just observing your every day-to-day life. You record what you observed throughout the day. Your knowledge/beliefs are based on that. Then there is somebody standing behind you, observing you doing your day-to-day activities. However this person, has broader knowledge and understanding. In actuality, this person is you, observing you, doing your day-to-day activities. Now we zoom back further, and we see another person who has the knowledge and understanding of untimate reality... observing you, who is observing you, doing your day-to-day activities. When this happens, i believe we have enlightenment. We have an awareness of who we really are. This is also part of the souls goal. If only we can get the cynics to step back and observe themselves from multiple perspectives, will we have evolution of a great magnatude. People will still evolve. The cynics can take light years, the skeptics will move faster if they start questioning and researching all their beliefs. This is also done by meditation. For when a person meditates, they will remember all that they are. There is nothing to learn here. There is only to remember. The open minded will evolve at "Warp 10"! This is because they meditate constantly, as well as, keeping their thoughts, words & deeds positive. The question is... at what pace does each individual want to evolve?

As for me, I'm going at "Warp 9" and I am learning how to break the barrier to get to "Warp 10".


csdouglas, in Central Florida>


If the cynics were so sure of their own beliefs? Sigh... my friend, I believe what science and my own observation and experience has shown me. It is psychic phenomena that has the onus on it to prove itself. Psychic ability is something that would be outside the realm of what we currently understand to be the laws of physics and the natural world. Thus, if it were true, it would have to be demonstrated and proved to the world at large. Being sketpical is clearly an entirely rational point of view. The words naive and gullible are what you apply to people who believe anything they're told, and that's foolish at best.

I'd gladly accept psychic phenomena if I had any reason to believe. Just as it's foolish to believe anything for no reason, it's foolish to disbelieve in the face of irrefutable evidence, hence I think Holocaust deniers are about as ridiculous as people who believe they've been abducted by aliens. But right here, right now, I have no evidence of psyhics, just evidence of how "psychics" can scam and defraud people.




I don't know about John Edwards, but I've been to mediums that knew EVERYTHING about me. They knew the names of my deceased relatives. It wasn't fake. They didn't say "I'm getting the letter A..." She said it straight up. She knew things that I have told NO BODY.

To think that every medium on this Earth is a fake is so narrow minded.


Very True. Did you know that everything that you do, see, hear, feel, say, think and your emotions are recorded?? It's called the Akashic Records. Any developed psychic can view these records or get the information from their spirit guides. Since all time is now, back home in Heaven, the future and the past can be seen. Just remember; the future can be changed based on your decisions of now. If you stay on course, your forseen future will not change, unless you use your free will to do so.


csdouglas, you are insulting the intelligence of everyone on this board with this nonsense, and more dangerously for anyone unsure about "psychics" your post may be the one that sends them into the arms of a greedy rattlesnake like Edward or one of his less famous incarnations.

You legitimise scumbags like Edward taking money from people by trying to peddle a nonsensical belief system on here. Shame on you and the person who taught you this garbage.

I'm assuming you are no stranger to Rudolph Steiner by the misinformation you kindly pass on here.



Message to koalaloversyd - Life is way too short to allow vulnerable people to be conned by deluded scumbags.



Hippie alert!


Will I rely on reason and logic, or the testimony of people who are 'believers'? I've heard fantastical things from people (normal types) who were convinced David Blane actually had supernatural powers . Derren Brown himself, can successfully perform the cold reading skills of a medium, while strenuously pointing out, that it is in fact nothing more than a trick, and by that he is also pointing out that, mediums are lying bastards.

"A lot of people say to me... get out of my garden" - Stewart Lee


I'm not sure about things in life but there are some exceptional people out there that make me a believer.

However I should point out that I believe in everything until it is disproved - makes life a little bit more interesting ;)

For an education about psychics I offer Gordon Smith, nicknamed the Psychic Barber, from Glasgow, Scotland, GB. As far as psychics go he readily accepts that there are people who don't believe and goes as far as to identify things that shouldn't be believed unless there is 100% proof. However he provides an amazing service for those that need it and gives information that is clear, precise, hits names consistently and does not pre-empt anyone. He is unassuming and could make a believer out of the stoniest cynic.

However this is just an opinion - if you'd like to believe take a look around and see what's out there. If not, you're entitled to your opinion. And so are we.

Good Luck!

Just wanted to add, true or not, there are some things that John Edward could not know no matter how much he 'listens in on conversations' or 'has people circling the audience beforehand'. I've listened and I've found them because I was aware.



It's a site to discuss a TV show warts and all, koala. Not a love-in.

Hateful enough for you?



But the way you describe could not work, and he would never risk trying it. Why? Because he would be exposed if one person just went along and made up stuff saying they wanted to talk to their dead mother etc, when their mother was alive. Then it would leak to the public, so he would never ever risk this approach. Further, what happens when a disgruntled employee gets the can from the show - they would expose him, which has not happened. I agree he is a fake, but he just uses cold reading and other tactics, like watching peoples facial expressions and so forth - like someone will say something like "My mother was a journalist - she loved her work and worked so hard always" and then close their eyes in a painful way and from this John can tell that maybe the mother was a workaholic who worked so much that she neglected her kids so he will then say something like he has communicated with her, and their relationship was very tense, and they did not get along well. THe person will then be absolutely and utterly amazed at his "psychic abilities" when all he did was read between the lines of what they said.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment of it.


I generally dont buy into the whole scam about plants and hidden mikes. Its just to easey to exspose. Like it was stated before all it would take is one pissed off ex-employee. I do believe its just a cold reading trick and cleaver editing. Never underestimate the gullability of someone who wants to believe in something so badely they will ignore reason logit and plain old commen sence.



Well said !!! By the way John's new show is starting here in Australia on January 20th and I can't wait !!




Why are you trying to act like a sheep ?


Keep up the great work!

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment of it.


Thank You. Buy the way I have the I dont suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment of it bumper sticker on my jeep.



it's obviously a scam if the people who appeared in the audience have their own imdb page. with pictures...





"Of course there's something wrong with it, when you believe something that is so obviously not true (and which has been fooling people like you for over 100 years now)"

yeh so you cant beleive anything that may be wrong right?? so that means no one should be christian and beleieve he bible, maybe ill write fictional story and in a thousand years it will be taken as gospel? i guess no one can beleive the big bang theory because after all it is just a theory and hasnt been proved how the big bang happend so no one beleieve in that either!!

what it comes down to is that ultimately, people will beleive what they want to, for you this "medium" lark is obviously farfetched, right?? but to some people so is the bible or any other religeon. its not just you that has these feelings of beeing cheated and its not just about "mediums" theres many things under that umbrella. what im tryin to say is leave them too it if they want to beleive that fine let them you cant convince them otherwise. if it isnt true what they belive then they will soon realise, coz frauds are always exposed at the end

whats worse than biting into an apple and seeing a maggot?? getting raped - jimmy carr




My answer to Jen Areana 22 seems to have been delieted. I type Baaaa on a lot of these posts because Im just trying to comunicate with all you robtized sheep out there.


Originally posted by Bullzye15:

i guess no one can beleive the big bang theory because after all it is just a theory and hasnt been proved how the big bang happend so no one beleieve in that either!!

People who keep saying this and the same thing about the theory of evolution need to be educated. It's not JUST a theory, it is a scientific theory, one which has been substantiated by observable phenomenon, facts and logic. The evidence for both theories is quite significant, considering all the various scientific fields devoted to each. I'm not entirely disagreeing with your statement, because people have a right to believe in what they want, but with the same token people also have a right to question the legitimacy of these beliefs, especially if it's at the detriment of people's mental health and pocketbook.

what it comes down to is that ultimately, people will beleive what they want to, for you this "medium" lark is obviously farfetched, right?? but to some people so is the bible or any other religeon. its not just you that has these feelings of beeing cheated and its not just about "mediums" theres many things under that umbrella. what im tryin to say is leave them too it if they want to beleive that fine let them you cant convince them otherwise. if it isnt true what they belive then they will soon realise, coz frauds are always exposed at the end

You have to question the motive behind the people who make these claims. Jesus for example preached what he did out of love and compassion for the human race, while scheiksters like John Edwards do it for pure profit. Also, frauds AREN'T always exposed at the end, plenty of con artists get away with their crimes and money, and without intelligent people who apply critical analysis to everything, then the scam will continue and nobody will question the rationale and authenticity of such claims.
