Put your faith in God, not this fraud
He has alot of people duped. Dont be one of them.
" Your right to free speech ends at my property line "
He has alot of people duped. Dont be one of them.
" Your right to free speech ends at my property line "
God? Are you joking?
There is as much reliable evidence in God as there is reliable evidence that this bloke is a real medium.
Or, don't put it in any such nonsense.
shareWhere do you think the gift comes from genius?
Yes don't buy John's lies.... God's lies are better
If you have a problem with what I say, learn the meaning of a joke and shut up
Yes, think large! Be duped by the greatest con ever.
shareSatan is the author of all lies, but god writes all the comedy!
shareDon't put your faith anywhere, *beep* educate yourself. You'll realize there is no God, and learn more about life and the universe in the process.
shareI agree with a few people on here. God does not exist and I feel sorry for so many people brainwashed to think that he's going to save the world. You might as well put your faith in Santa Claus. But I do strongly believe that John Edward is a huge fraud and should be locked up.
"Dinky... Go downstairs and die"