I think it is pretty obivious that he has a gift of some kind. You can't even pull off a TV Show like that if you aren't able to stand up to the close scrutny. However with that kind of opportunity it just seemed like the Spirits on the other side would have a lot more to talk about then: " I just wanted you too know that it is really me and I love you" " I am in a good place" " I miss our dog fluffy".
I just think that if you were connected to the other side you ought to be able to give us some answers and solve some mysteries or something. Like what is the real deal with the UFO's. Is GOD real? Is the Devil Real? Where in the hell is Jimmy Hoffa buried? Can you tell me the 3 digit for tommarrow?
This is why the show is off the air. He wasn't talking about nothing.
Okay, maybe if he did a private reading for Ellen Johnson (President of American Atheists) and she said it was legit I would be at least willing to not call him a douche. However until then, I say he hoodwinks people by the thousands (perhaps millions) and that is wrong.
"The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live."
Sorry. Cold and Hot Reading methods, what Edward et. al. use, have been around for a long.. long.. time. Houdini used to debunk them. Edward and his ilk are all fake. Do a google search for "Cold Reading" and "Magic" - and do some research in the 'skill', then watch closely how Edward operates.
"I think it is pretty obivious that he has a gift of some kind. You can't even pull off a TV Show like that if you aren't able to stand up to the close scrutny"
Yeah, a gift for conning people. Close scrutiny?? From whom, the psychic police? He's not making medical claims or selling any product - it's entertainment... nobody regulates it. Did you know his tapings take several hours - they only broadcast the most successful parts. Some have claimed their reactions were edited up against different questions. He makes his audience sign non-disclosure agreements so they can't talk about their "experience".
If he can really talk to the dead, why do they have nothing interesting to say and why can't they be less ambiguous?
"Intelligence is overrated. What's required is diligence. And the service of a willing spirit."
Even without looking up how cold reading is actually done, anyone with half a brain can see how he fishes for answers. The people that often receive "readings" are emotional (and usually, pretty dumb), and WANT to believe what he is saying, which is why people ignore all his misses.
John Edward and the rest of his kind are low-lifes that feed on the desperation of others.
If you google for "John Edward fake" or similar, you will find lots of reasons why and how anyone with a modicum of common sense doesn't believe a word of his claptrap.
As another poster has already pointed out, the art of cold/hot reading has been around for as long as fake mediums. Anyone who has watched Derren Brown (and if you haven't, I suggest you do - he is a genius) will know that he can do anything a medium claims to do; however, he makes no claims to being psychic.
James Randi has, for some years now, offered $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove that they have any sort of supernatural powers. So far, some have been tested but none have got the money. Don't you think that if these powers existed, at least ONE person would have been proved, without a shadow of a doubt, to be genuine? I expect at least one person will reply to this with the old "oh, but they can't turn their powers on and off at will" line. Well, they seem to manage to turn it on when there are TV cameras pointed at them and a fat cheque in the offing, don't they?
You may be surprised to learn that I do, actually, remain open minded about this subject. Although skeptical, it fascinates me and nobody would LIKE to believe it more than me. However, I very much doubt that it will be a mile-a-minute-talking ballroom dancer who convinces me.
These people get extremely rich on other people's pain. The kindest thing they could say to someone suffering a bereavement is "Honey, your loved one is gone but they are alive for as long as you keep them alive in your heart and memory. Move on." But, no. They ask us to believe that a dead relative is floating about the ether, waffling on about their favourite jeans and that "someone in the family is either having a birthday, has had a birthday in the last six months or will be having a birthday sometime in the next six months..."
I do respect other people's right to an opinion on the subject, but I have personally had a reading with John Edward myself. I practice the art of tarot reading, and I am currently learning how mediums do their work. The only difference between me and most other mediums or psychics or card readers is that I never have, nor will I ever, charge anyone money for a reading. I beleive that it is an art and a gift to help people with, not to capitalize off of.
But that aside, yes, many people, charlatans is what I shall call them, have been fraudulent, and have been caught ripping people off, and doing silly parlor tricks, claiming to be communicating with spirits. Harry Houdini, as well as many other investigators used to catch people in the act all of the time. But what most people don't focus on, is the mediums and psychics who have read Mr. Houdini and others who came through with several validating facts, and they could in no way find any way to discredit them. People only concentrate on the ones who have been exposed as frauds. Harry Houdini was a beleiver in spirit contact and had a regular medium he consulted with all of the time, and promised to send signals from the other side once he had crossed. he did beleive, but he was also a great magician, and loved exposing charlatans who would use trickery in what was called "physical mediumship" (spirit rappings, slate writings, floating tables, etc.).
When I went in for my reading with Mr.Edward, I was in a stage in my life of "what does it all mean, and is my time being wasted?" . Even though i had been reading cards myself for years, and I have done countless great readings that astounded and helped lots of people, I was still very skeptical, and I still am, of most people who claim to be mediums. I made the appointment with my real first name, but a fake last name, just to circumvent any possibilities of "researching" (which is ridculous, esp. for a medium like John who has hundreds of clients every year. Names of relatives are possible to find in public records, but personal events and pet names arent).
John told me only to acknowledge the things he told me with a yes or a no, and not to offer any extra information. It is impossible to "cold read" without the subject volunteering any sort of extra information. I made sure to keep my body language and voice steady.
he first told me the name of my grandmother, to the letter, what she died from, she told him to tell me about the scarecrow cookie jar, which was a bear dressed up as a scarecrow, that I liked so much that she gave me before she died. He also told me that she acknowledged my mother, my 2 aunts and my uncle, again, with exact names, because those were her children. John told me one thing, which at the time, I didnt know what he was talking about, so i considered it to be bad information, but he told me I had 2 great aunts, Zoe and Sarah, who had passed over, and I had never heard of anyone in my family with those names.
He also told me about the person I am going to be married to, and that my grandmother will be there in spirit, and that the person had a J name, that ended in a D sound, like jerald. I thought this was wrong too, since at the time, i was engaged to someone named Dave.
Well, I went home with the tape and let my mother listen to it, and she was very impressed, and she had never heard of anyone named zoe or sarah either. I ended up mentioning it to my aunt, who looked extremely shocked, and then told me that her mother (my grandma) had twin sisters, named Zoe and Sarah, that lived to be 3 days old and died from lung failure, having been born with malformed lungs. My mother had completely forgotten about that, and of course, I had never heard of these people.
I had tossed around the possibility that maybe he wasnt talking to spirits,and he was just a psychic, and picked up things my subconscious, but how can something like what I just mentioned be explained? As far as the marriage thing went, about a year after my reading, things got bad with my fiance, I found out he was cheating, and had been cheating, and the engagement was broken off. I am now getting married in June, to someone named Jarrod.
I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, because everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and being skeptical is healthy, but being cynical is very unhealthy. Im sure there are people thinking I am making this up, and I really dont care. I wouldnt bother typing this all up for the sheer hell of it. I dont agree with the fees Mr.Edward charges for his readings,which are extremely steep (at the time, I paid 250$, and this was before his show, so i can only imagine how high his prices are now). I beleive that the more he charges for his readings, the less and less he will begin to see, but thats just my personal opinion. The reason I typed this all up is just to let people know that not every person that claims to be a medium is lying, of course there is no way to prove that they are talking to spirits, its all a matter of faith.
As far as why spirits dont deliver messages that are more "important", well, have people stopped to consider the possible repercussions of having this kind of knowledge. We are here to learn, and to evolve spiritually, not to have the meanings and secrets of life handed to us. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
I'm sorry, but you are insulting the work of Houdini to further your argument.
Houdini was a believer in spiritual contact for a period when he was grieving, like many other people who latch on to the topic and are vulnerable. His experiences led him to see it all for what it was, namely a con and/or delusion. Magicians throughout history have followed his example and attempted to educate the public about the cons used in "mediumship", notably James Randi, Penn & Teller, Banacek, and here in the UK, the wonderful Derren Brown.
I'm glad for you that you felt your reading was accurate. However given your admitted interest in the field, you were hardly going in as an independent witness. What percentage did he get right versus ther amount he got wrong? The cookie jar example is classic; i've seen examples of how that one was done, but in the context of the reading I saw it was a James Bond shot glass. Nothing anyone says to you will change your mind, however.
- "Nothing anyone says to you will change your mind, however."
- I suspect this applies to you as well ScottishFilmFan.
Not at all, I base my beliefs on evidence, or in this case lack of evidence. There is nothing that suggests psychics are any more than either self-delusional cranks or worse conpeople. Just because you want/need to believe something doesn't make it true. I want Scotland to win the soccer world cup; it ain't going to happen.
If someone proved tomorrow that psychics are real then i'd be excited at a new discovery and intrigued to where it will take mankind. Somehow the ramblings of a ballroom dancer don't convince me of life after death, and i've yet to see anything that does. People needing/wanting to eblieve it make them easy marks for scummy people who want to take money out of their pcckets.
Not sure if you're in the US or not, but last year Derren Brown (a British illusionist) performed a live seance on UK TV. It was amazing, he convincned an entire room of people, and thousands of people watching TV that it was real. It was all fake, and that was his intention, to prove to people that it is all fake. Christian groups complained claiming he was doing something evil; says it all really!
I think that John Edward is fantastic. I have seen other mediums on Tv and they all do this weird thing if people havn't notice while they are trying to connect with people on the other side they look up and say "yes dear I will say that to them" . John Edward is like the only medium who doesn't do that. Thank god!! Give it up for John Edward !!!!
He has a cold reading talent, and it is all entertainment. he can not communicate with the dead, but he is the best cold reader out there and for that he is good, but besides that he is the BIGGEST DOUCHE IN THE UNIVERSE!!!
If he has answered my questions then I haven't heard them say they have uncovered the location of Jimmy Hoffa. If there is a page of age old mysteries answered by Psychics then that would be worth a gander. The show is off the air in my market then as far as I am concerned he is off the air so Ha yourself!
As for you skeptics, it is true that they have been using psychics in the military and law enforcement for a long time now with good success. The Government doesen't make it readily known but if you ever wondered how in the hell did they resolve that crime? How did they pick up the scent to even look in that direction. It might just be because they consulted with a psychic. I have also read tell all books that indicate that many people in powerful places are using psychics and stuff to gain advantage and influence in their business's and careers on a regular basis. This stuff is kept quiet because it is frowned upon.
I Believe the guy that got the reading from Edwards, he sound like a credible source. It was an interesting testimonial for John Edwards but I don't buy the part about the spirits wanting us to learn life for ourselves and so they wont offer any worth while answers.
Some how you have interpreted what I said to mean that Psychics can change the world for the better.
I have a reading assignment for you... You should research the real methods Hitlier used for his rise to power and his facination with the Occult. There was a lot more to him and his views then to just pick on the Jews.
Alot of people do a lot of things for personal gain but I can't vouch for the ultimate good that it will do them.
What I do know is that there are things out there that are not understood by logic. The Ouiji Board is one example. For sure its real. For sure it talks for sure something is behind its power but what the hell it is I don't know but I do know not to play with that stuff.
I will just hold on to my soul just in case I need it later on if you don't mind. Thankyou.
Hitler was obsessed with the occult, it's common knowledge. It was used as a blueprint for his messed up idea of nationalism.
I can't believe you use a Ouija board as an example of an unexplained issue. It's a toy for gooodness sake, and tests have proved that "messages" received are from the participants, not psychics. Check out discussions regarding the ideomotor effect.
If you are aware of Hitler then you must concede tha what I said is not as ubsurd as you tried to make it out to be. Hitler was not the first or the last to consult with psychics. Weather you believe or not is moot.
And I will read up on your scientific explanation.
I didn't dispute Hitler's obsession with the occult. I am quite sure he consulte dpsychics, and he's a highly successful example of where that can get you.
What I said was that many people in powerful places are using Psychics to help them with their achievements and successes.
I Pointed to Hitler as one very extreme example. There are many more.
I am not try to debate about his ultimate defeat as a justification for his beliefs being invalid. he expericenced some major successes in his career. He was smart and he had super intellegent people all around him. He was no dummy who was afraid to look behind the curtain.
It is also a fact that dream interpretation was a very common practice in the Egyptian empires. This was actually a common occupation that was like seeing a Tattoo artist. Maybe they knew something Eh?
Are we supposed to hark back to eras that supposedly had "ancient wisdom", where people were deemed to be possesed because they had psychological disorders? Where people were killed as sacrifices to non-existent Gods? Where pharaos had all of their internal organs remved to prep them from the afterlife?
People in powerful places who use psychics, astrologers and any other new age guru charatans are, frankly, imbeciles.
One kind of psychic phenomona that i find most curious is Automatic Writing. There are some very famous and documented cases where people have channeled for years the communications of dead individuals from the other side.
Some of these spirits had live in the past and were extremely discriptive of events that happened long long ago. Some of these individuals were able to be researched and verified from the information presented in the writings. Even more curious then that is that sometimes the person who is channeling will write in a forigen language, strange dialect and or use a totally different handwriting style from his own.
Some channelers can paint like Picasso and other great masters of the past when they go into the trance.
Following up on my last post. I happened upon a author name Patience Worth. The story of Patience Worth in an incredible on. SHe is a spirit who channeled for some thirty years through her host Pearl Curran. She has written several novels and books of poetry.
Appearently this Patience Worth lived about 263 years ago in Dorchester England. She demostrates an intimate knowlege of the time period and the people and the places that only can be known by some one who has been there.
I have yet to read one of her books myself but have read all about this well documented Phenom.
Well john probably does have a real power however according my faith and what ive been taught through christianity hes not communicating with dead loved ones he's communicating with demons who are pretending to be loved ones. Wether john knows this idk, but demons are doing this to deceive people giving people a false sense of hope that when everyone dies everyone goes to a happy place on the other side of course this is not true. Demons who work for the devil ( yes the devil is real) do not want people to know that when we die we do get punished for our sins, there is a hell but Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The only way yo be saved from hell and go to heaven is if you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and if you confess your belief to another person. No doubt can we deny that there is evil but there is also good. God is not like us humans, he is love and he loves every single one of us on the planet even those who hate hime. He is truth, he cannot lie. He is perfect though he does not and us to be perfect, salvation is a gift nots something to be earned, but because God is so perfect he can mot have any form of evil (sin) enter heaven so he sent his son Jesus to die for our sins in hopes that all people maybe saved.
Anyways i have hope that this will male sense to you. God bless