The Rules of Attraction vs 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002).
Firstly, in your opinion, do you think the two films have anything in common, besides the (black or otherwise) comedy, the casting of Shannyn Sossamon, the sex scenes and sexual themes and occasionally troubling material (and yes I am referring to 40 Days & 40 Nights' much discussed controversial final scene that still causes heated debates almost 15 years later) and the year of release (2002)? (And to some, especially who, say, disliked or hated both or either movie, the fact that a talented man/director behind the camera did good or great work elsewhere - i.e. in case of Michael Lehmann with 40 Days and 40 Nights he did the brilliant "Heathers" in 1989 and in case of Roger Avary, a lot of people liked his bank robbery flick "Killing Zoe" (1993) - not to mention, his writing on Quentin Tarantino's most acclaimed works etc.)
Which film by the way did you think was BETTER and why?
Also - would you say that both films, if you disliked them that is, are rather shallow and do you think they both say, send wrong messages, if they have any in the first place?
(Funny, as in strange, how, but even 40 Days & 40 Nights was criticized a lot by both critics and audiences for its treatment of women, even though in its most criticized sequence, and I think we all know what it is, its our main character who is A MAN who is mistreated by a woman, his ex-girlfriend Nicole, who does something bad to him while he tied himself unconscious to bed, and then he has his new girlfriend (Sossamon) turn away from him due to the belief he was cheating consensually whereas Nicole... him.)
Anyway, what do you think, which film was better, do they have much in common and any other aspects and similarities please, thanks.
The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!