Has anyone seen this?

Honestly, I pride myself as someone who watches a lot of TV, most likely far too much TV. And good TV, I don't watch crap, I watch solid, award winning work. This show was nominated for an Emmy, AN EMMY! and I've never heard of it. And neither have the 3 or so people in my immediate area; I know, I asked. Irregardless (look it up at http://www.m-w.com, it's a very controversial word), and to return to my origional point. Who has seen this...



do you have IFC?


Irregardless is not a word.


Yes it is. Look it up. Irregardless.



Irregardless is a word that should be avoided, regardless of its user's intent. You see, irregardless means regardless. It just seems smarter to those not in the know. Dig?


first you act like an emmy is a big deal...

Besidesthis is a very good show, maybe you should watch it before you disperage it.


Whoa, I don't think the poster was disparaging the show. They were just commenting that they hadn't seen the show or really heard of it. That is probably because it was shown on the IFC as an original show. And IFC, as great as a network that it is, isn't super popular on every cable network.

I'm not sure about IFC's status overseas either.

But at least Season 1 is available on DVD, so everyone can see it now. So settle down folks.



No, I'm pretty sure it's cancelled.
If you see any they are probably reruns. This is why the original poster hasn't seen it if he's looking for it.
It was great. It would've been great if they'd replaced Favreau when he left and started with Kevin Smith or someone like that.
If I had the extra cash I'd get whatever DVD's of it I could find. So if you're thinking about it, it's worth it IMO. The Scorsese interview was worth rewatching several times and all the inside info was interesting.


To answer your question, No. I had never heard of this show. I live in Canada, and there are several xcellent shows that i dont get with my cable package like FX's 30 days, and Real Time Woth bill maher, but @ least i was aware of them to some extent. Thanks 2 the beauty of the internet, i was surfing youtube.com looken for the Kevin Smith lecture series, and stumled upon it was great kevin smith, mark hammill jason lee, jj abrahams and sa man Stan Lee. Cant go wrong. Several episodes can be seen there, actualyy thats what im doin right now. Thats what brought me to this board, i had bever heard of iit b4..so there ya go.

i see how the grammar cops were all over u for usen irregardless..well they gonna have a fricken field day with my typen..have fun boys
"If u had 3 wishes, what would they be. Would u change yourself or would u try and change me"
