MovieChat Forums > Trailer Park Boys (2004) Discussion > Jim Lahey = One of the best characters i...

Jim Lahey = One of the best characters in TV history

His drunken stupors and rants are hilarious.

I love how he gets drunk and stumbles all over the place knocking stuff over and then just says all serious, "Couple of drinks Rand."


Dunsworth is one of the most convincing actor's playing a drunk that I've ever seen.


This ^^^


Too bad his character was assassinated last three seasons


Every time i see him on other tv shows, Jim Lahey is the first thing that comes to mind. No one plays a better drunk. I even liked how he had to get drunk towards the end of the tv show Haven. I would love to see him stick with those roles amd get type casted for them.


Ever since Season 8-10 his drunk character have lost the credibility it once had and that realism he once nailed too. Now he's just a cartoon drunk character in a live action series.
