Stick to the basics

What the F is tom Arnold and snoop dog doing there. That was brutal to watch. The fat slob woman with barb was brutal as well. Quit trying so hard. All we need is Ricky Julian Cory Sarah luci randy and lahey Jacob Cyrus terry and Dennis trinity Sam losco bubbles barb J-Roc amd T and most importantly Ray add a goofy scheme and there's your season. No need to have tom Arnold as nails on a chalkboard doesn't make it better


The show lost its touch starting with Seasons 8 and up. Just don't expect it to be anywhere near as good as the episodes/seasons directed by Mike Clattenburg.


It really goes back to about Season 5. It's not just the lack of Clattenburg, although, that doesn't help. It's a lack of vision and direction for the show in general. They've really done all they can do and now everything is simply a repeat of something that's been done before.

Season 5, 6 and 7 had some funny moments but as a whole, was way off the mark of Seasons 1-4... particularly 1-3. It was really about midway through Season 4 things began to get stale and the show has continued to spiral down.

I actually thought Season 8 was the best season since S4. I have a sneaking hunch that much of what was done in S8 was really Clattenburg's work, he simply gifted it to the boys in the transition. Most writers have something more in the can, so I am thinking that was the case here. Season 9 was a little different, it had some interesting things happen and seems like they experimented outside the formula more with the characters. Season 10 was pretty lame in comparison. It felt a lot like Season 6 which was rushed and lazy in the writing.

I still love the show, even with all it's shortcomings. The characters are still interesting and I guess I am invested in them. I wish there was a way to return to the edginess of the first few seasons but I fear the bloom is off the rose now, we'll continue to get sub-par performances and stale writing from here on out. I figure next season will be the last.
