They seem clueless
I honestly think they need to rewatch the first 5 seasons to see how bad they've lost their touch. After season 6 the show became noticeably more cartoony and it never recovered.
But rather than attempting to return to the style of show that people fell in love with, they've continued to beat us over the head with the newer cartoony style of TPB show where all the jokes just get taken too far, and every character feels a lot stupider than they used to.
They used to maintain a good balance of stupidity and what felt like realisim. As the seasons progressed they gradually became less realistic but Season 7 is where they took it too far and they haven't been able to take a step back since.
Season 7
Countdown to Liquor Day
Don't Legalize It
Season 8
Season 9 and now
Season 10
How much longer are they going to give us this half assed TPB material? Why can't they see that all of the characters have become unlikable and boring.
Ricky just says the dumbest things now. He used to be the king of telling people off and being a dick, and then he just started calling people ridiculous names that make him sound like a 2 year old.
Bubbles became really whiny.
Julian never really changed but they used to attempt to make him funny by having him read books and stuff.
Lahey is just over the top and stupid in every season now doesn't even feel like a real character.
Randy is still kind of funny but also got too cartoony and stopped feeling like a "real" person.
I don't know, I liked when the show used to be more subtle. It just seems like they think that if they just over act in every scene and act as dumb as possible they can get a pass.
It just seems half assed. Just cause it's trailer park boys doesn't mean anything goes.
Make up your OWN mind. Don't be a follower.
I didn't quite nail it - Christian Bale