I don't think anyone ever told him to cool it, except for David at the end (and Finch just shut up and had no response).
Yeah, I think Finch was so stunned by David standing up for himself at long last against the insults, that he was rendered speechless. The long shot of Finch and Neil as they watch David walk away is quite priceless.
The "bully" thing is interesting, because I just finished re-watching both seasons and think that Tim and Dawn (and later Rachel) went overboard in messing with Gareth. Gareth could be annoying, but their constant wind-ups of him, putting his stapler in jello, gluing his phone, locking him in his office etc. was childish, and I didn't think Gareth deserved the extent of their ridicule. Because Tim and Dawn are supposedly the "everyman/woman" the audience is supposed to relate to and root for, it's not obvious at first, but on re-watching, it just seemed like they were ganging up on him.
I agree that Tim and Dawn had their own version of cruelty towards Gareth. The wind-up pranks weren't too bad, but I found it ugly and somewhat demeaning how they talked down to him, made faces at him when he turned away, etc. He was their own private joke and it felt a little cheap at times, for these two good characters to do so.
"The future is tape, videotape, and NOT film?"